Firing Up Your Faith Will Grow Your Biz As Much As Marketing

by | Sep 3, 2014 | Money and Mindset

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Have you considered that faith is as big a part of growing your business as marketing?

Faith is soul food and without it, your energy, passion and commitment can wither when confronted with the ups and downs that can happen as an entrepreneur.

Faith is power.

And I love that Marianne Williamson says, “Faith is not just a theological principle; it is a mental and emotional muscle“.

So if you let current situations such as figuring out how to fund the growth of your business, or how to handle the client who wants to drop out of a program determine the strength of your faith, then you’re missing out on the power YOU have to create a different set of circumstances for yourself.

Which means you gotta get clear and grounded in these 3 essentials:

  • what it feels like to have faith
  • what you believe in that gives you faith
  • who you can turn to for support when your faith reserves need a boost

Here are 3 of my personal principles I use to apply faith to growing my business.

Faith In Your VALUE

Faith in your value means feeling deeply connected to your sense of purpose and contribution, even when you may not be clear on some of the business mechanics such as what your niche is or what program you could be offering next month.

If you’re dependent on clients purchasing your services to give you a sense of value then you’re placing your self-worth in the hands of others. It also leaves you vulnerable to feeling like a victim of circumstances, with little control over your business.

Ladies, it’s time to really OWN your magnificence!

If feeling faith in your value is new for you, then it’s crucial to surround yourself with a community and a mentor who will help you see the untruth in those old stories of the past, and instead show you how to step into a powerful place of confidence in the value you bring to your work.

Faith In Your FEES

“My clients can’t pay more.”

“If I charge more I won’t get new clients or I’ll lose the clients I have.”

“What will people say about me if I charge more?”

“I don’t want to make myself too expensive for people.”

Fear and doubt are never truth.

Remember that and the essence of faith is unwavering belief in what’s possible.

So let’s start strengthening your faith muscle…

Can you really say with absolute certainty that if you raise your fees NO ONE will hire you? Is it true that if you raise your fees you’ll be out of reach for EVERYONE? Aren’t the outcomes clients achieve from working with you worth many times MORE than what you’re charging?

Self-doubt is a form of self-criticism.

So stop judging yourself for wanting to make more and instead, focus on the positive and amazing shifts that happen for your clients as a result of your working together. The right clients — the ones who are seriously committed to their own transformation — will be attracted to the new and more powerful YOU.

Faith There Is Something Beyond FEAR

If you find yourself believing the worst will happen (you won’t be able to pay your bills, all your clients will jump ship, you won’t sign up any new clients, your launches will flop, or whatever other form of “disasterizing” the ego keeps throwing up at you) then you’re giving power to fear…and forgetting that fear is a denial of love.

So what can you do in moments like those? First, steer clear of criticism, complaining, blaming others (including the government, the economy or anything/anyone else). Steering clear means not speaking it and not allowing it to be spoken around you. Period.

Next, focus on what you can have unshakable faith in that is bigger than fear and you’ll immediately start to feel calmer.

It may sound corny but love is greater than fear. So is commitment and passion to your purpose.

Do this and you’ll see that you do have options, and opportunities will begin to open up for you. Just remember, it’s crucial to say YES to what shows up, even if these opportunities look different than what you expected.

YOU are your environment. Your emotions. Your thoughts. Your feelings.

When you have faith in yourself, faith in charging what you’re worth and faith that fear and doubt are never truth, you become an unstoppable force for success in your business.

Successful women entrepreneurs (those who are making 6, multi 6 and 7 figures in their businesses) have faith in these key principles.

Yes, it still takes hard work to create the financial results you want. But it’s faith that will support you courageously on your entrepreneurial journey!

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Firing Up Your Faith Will Grow Your Biz As Much As Marketing