Marketing With The Power Of One

by | Mar 2, 2011 | Coach Training

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Could one phone call change your life? What about one article submitted to the right publication, or meeting one person at an event? What if you were to get one new client this week, would that be awesome?

The answer is, “yes.”

In business, women are often so focused on growing, growing, growing it’s easy for them to miss out on putting into place the simple, elegant power of one.

For example, it’s easier to line up one list-building partner who can stream many thousands of potential new subscribers to your site than it is to try the same thing with five different collaborations.

So what stops women from reaching out to the power partner and instead, play small? Fear…doubt…feelings of “I’m not ready/good enough/big enough yet.”

I promise you that if you put the power of one into place in your business, you’ll not only connect with the right people, at the right time, you’ll also experience a deep sense of wholeness and connection within you.

Here are three simple tips for using the power of one to help you rev up your marketing, increase your leads and, as a bonus, connect you to your source of power.

Tip #1 The Power Of Taking ONE Marketing Action Per Day (and no, spending hours on Facebook or Twitter doesn’t count)

I recommend including in your morning ritual making one marketing contact per day. Posting comments on Twitter doesn’t exactly count but calling a potential JV partner, asking to speak at a local event or inquiring about publishing your article as a guest in a popular ezine will yield you the rewards you want: more exposure, greater name recognition and doors of opportunity opening for you. Stay committed to this for 90-days and you’ll see the pay back…I promise!

Do this DAILY

Tip #2 The Power Of Reaching Higher With ONE New Marketing Contact

Playing within your comfort zone will only keep you where you are right now. I’m figuring you want to grow your list, your opportunities and your bank account so now is the time to identify the people who you can help and who can help you.

Think you’re “not ready yet?” Think again girl friend! Who are the people at the next level of success you want to achieve? Reach out to them by writing a gratitude note or post on their blog. Identify what you can do to be of service to them, then offer it, no apologies.

For example: a couple of years ago I called the publisher of a major industry magazine, introduced myself, told him why I loved his publication (all true!) and offered a couple of article ideas for him. He then asked me to write an article (which I did) then later, invited me to participate as a co-author of a book published by Entrepreneur Press. That would never have happened if I had held back.

Do this WEEKLY

Tip #3 The Power Of Feeling ONE With The Divine Feminine (this applies to you too, guys!)

Divine Feminine energy is your source of creativity, inspiration, wisdom and love. Without regularly connecting with this energy you’ll find yourself tired, depleted and serving everyone else’s needs except your own.

Remember that you can only be of service to the extent that you are fulfilled and feeling whole within yourself. Trying to give when you’re running on empty is guaranteed to backfire on you in the form of bad decisions, sacrificed boundaries or drama entering into your life.

Which is why I recommend taking a monthly “Day with the Divine.” Go somewhere beautiful, with no agenda. Eat something amazing. Allow yourself to slow down and notice the little treasures that are all around you…a child laughing…the beauty of nature…an act of kindness on the part of a stranger…by reconnecting with Grace you’ll refuel your spirit so you can give from a full cup rather than an empty saucer.


The Power Of One Will Revitalize Your Marketing In This Way…

Successful women entrepreneurs often seem magically tapped into a source of energy, inspiration and opportunities. So what’s their secret? Taking clear, consistent action even on the days when they don’t feel like it, even on a bad hair day and yes, even on a day when they might momentarily think, “they’re not ready yet.”

Remember this my dear friend: the power of one can change your life…so what are you waiting for? Time to get into that ONE action, right now!

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Marketing With The Power Of One