3 Simple Steps To Wean Off 1-on-1 Clients And Create Leveraged Income

by | May 26, 2009 | Money and Mindset

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Yes, you love your clients but honestly, too much 1-on-1 work can leave you feeling exhausted and strapped for time, plus limit how much you can make. You end up not only feeling burnt out but feeling broke too, even though you’re working plenty hard.

The good news is that the solution is actually pretty simple: you must add “leveraged” as well as “passive” revenue streams to your business so you have the freedom to choose how much — or how little — 1-on-1 work you offer.

Leveraged streams are ones where you’re making significantly more money for your time spent, or, you’re impacting greater numbers of people. Passive revenue streams are when you do the work once, then keep getting paid, paid, paid.

Obviously, passive revenue sounds like a dream come true, and it can be. But it does take some time and an investment of money to put everything into place that you’ll need to replace your 1-on-1 income. You have to create information products, write a compelling website, drive traffic to your site then convert that traffic into product sales before you see a dime.

Creating leveraging income is actually a lot faster and easier, which is why I always coach my Platinum clients to focus on it first. Truth is, it’s often possible to completely transform your income and free up your time within just a few days of learning what I recommend.

So how do you free up your time and add leveraged income to your business? Here are 3 simple steps to get you started today.

Step #1 Start Thinking “Platinum”

You know all the services you’re currently giving away for peanuts? It’s time to shift them into a new high-end client offer. This will add significant income to your business AND allow you to take on fewer clients. While you’re at it, streamline what your high-level package includes so you’re actually working less than you were before…only for more money.

Step #2 Add Virtual Or In-Person “VIP” Days To Your Business Model

Clients love exclusive access to you and will pay handsomely for a day of your devoted time and attention. You can choose to offer your VIP day virtually over the telephone, or in person. Either way, you’ll take your client through your step-by-step system and map out with them what they need to do to create a breakthrough. The breakthrough for YOU is significantly leveraging your time for a lot higher payday.

Step #3 Focus On Building J.V. Relationships To Grow Your List

Sure, writing articles and blog posts is great for list building. But to really gain leverage in your life and business you need to grow your list by big leaps, not by small increments. I recommend reaching out to key people who also market to your same audience and inviting them to partner with you on a special event.

You can easily put together an online launch, a teleseminar or telesummit or host a panel of experts. Whichever you decided to do, make sure that each expert is required to promote the event to their list, and that participants must sign up for the event on your website which gets them into your database. With a significantly bigger list your next product or program launch is going to bring in greater numbers of people who want to purchase from you.

Weaning Off Of 1-on-1 Isn’t Scary When You Have A Plan

Follow these simple steps and you can literally transform your business practically overnight, leaving behind much of the 1-on-1 work that drains you and replacing it with joyful, abundant and alternative ways to make more doing what you love!

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3 Simple Steps To Wean Off 1-on-1 Clients And Create Leveraged Income