The Secret To Paying Yourself First, Even If Cash Flow Is Tight

by | May 17, 2011 | Money and Mindset

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In my first few years of being in business, the idea of “paying myself first” sounded insane. It seemed a lot more important to pay my mortgage, my web hosting fees and the telephone bill.

But then I noticed that I always felt one step behind in how much I was making. It seemed as if it was never enough. Plus, I never felt like I had “permission” to buy things I wanted, like new clothes or pretty things for my house.

When I looked deeper into this problem I realized that by not paying myself first it was as if I was saying to the universe that I didn’t count. I was putting myself so low on the list of financial priorities it was no wonder I never felt like I had any money.

Plus, not paying myself perpetuated the feeling of never having enough money, no matter how much I was making.

All that changed when I created my simple “Pay Yourself First” system. And yes, I created this system BEFORE I was making more. Shockingly, not only did I quickly find the money to pay myself, I rapidly began making MORE than I had before, without seeming to be doing anything different.

If you often find yourself with more month than you have money then these 4 simple tips are what you need to create a money breakthrough, right now. They’ll help you pay yourself first, plus help you quickly increase how much you keep each month.

Tip #1 Value Yourself As Much As You Value Others

If you put off paying yourself first you’re telling Divine energy that you’re not valuable. Once you begin to honor your gifts by paying yourself you’re going to feel valued and you’ll feel a growing sense of self respect and self-worth. Trust me, that’s going to translate into more confidence in your marketing and the type of clients you attract.

Tip #2 The Amount Doesn’t Matter But The Action Does

At first, it doesn’t matter how much you pay yourself. What DOES matter is making this action part of your monthly ritual. So, choose an amount and a schedule you can stick with. Don’t make it contingent upon getting a new client or filling a new program, else you’ll be perpetuating a feeling of waiting when you think of money.

Tip #3 Write And Deposit The Check

Many entrepreneurs share one checking account for both their business and personal expenses. While I recommend having two separate accounts, in either case, the way to pay yourself is to physically write a check, even if you end up depositing it back into the same account. While this may sound silly, what you’re accomplishing is you’re imprinting your subconscious that you get paid for running your business, which will, in turn, help you make a shift as to how much you value yourself, and will help you attract more money into your life.

Tip #4 Beware Of Past Money “Gremlins” That May Pop Up

If you’re not accustomed to valuing yourself in this way you may find yourself facing a few money gremlins trying to sabotage your new plan. If this happens, simply breathe…and remind yourself that this is a normal part of creating an important shift in your relationship with money. Be assured, if you stick with your plan, these gremlins will disappear over time, leaving you with more money in the bank and dramatically increased feelings of self-worth.

Every Step You Take To Value Yourself More WILL Pay Off…

If you’ve struggled with under charging and under earning then paying yourself first is going to be an important first step forward. Remember, these are the same steps I took to go from being a career waitress years ago to now running a multi-million dollar coaching business. If I can do it, so can you!

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The Secret To Paying Yourself First, Even If Cash Flow Is Tight