The Key To Rapid Biz Success Is To Follow The Millionaire Entrepreneur’s Path

by | May 31, 2011 | Coach Training

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Most women entrepreneurs see all of the different ways they can grow their business — teleseminars, high-end programs, groups, workshops, 1-on-1, info products, membership programs, telesummits, etc. — and feel overwhelmed. That’s because while men can hear about a bunch of different options and immediately lock in their focus on just one or two, the way a woman’s brain works is to see all of the possibilities happening at the same time.

It isn’t that women aren’t systems thinkers (many of the top brains in science and medicine are women). It’s just that as a woman entrepreneur, it can be a challenge to see your own business with the same clarity and decisiveness as you would a friend or colleague’s.

Which is why I created the concept of entrepreneurial levels and designed the Millionaire Entrepreneur’s Path. Each level acts first as a “to do” list, letting you know exactly what to focus on first, and a “to don’t” list, advising you which activities are best saved for later, as you move up the levels, so that you can create focus on what matters most right now.

Knowing which level you’re at with your business eliminates the complexity of growing your business, as you’re working on ONLY what you need to. To help you get started, here are 3 important biz-building tips, excerpted from my complete Millionaire Entrepreneur’s Path system.

Tip #1 Don’t Hide Behind Putting Your Website Together

While you will eventually need a website to implement many of the popular marketing strategies such as teleseminars, telesummits and online programs, when you’re getting started, your time will pay for itself if you focus first on honing in on your niche and getting your first handful of paying clients. What you need MORE than a website at this stage is experience, confidence and testimonials.

The same advice applies if you’re an experienced entrepreneur who is in the process of switching or upgrading your niche. It’s better to focus your time on enrolling new clients into private VIP Days or into a Private Platinum, giving you the cash flow and peace of mind to then upgrade your website.

Tip #2 Keep An Eye Out For Your “Business Back End”

Every business must have the proper structure and support to run smoothly and give you the lifestyle you want. After all, this IS why you went into business in the first place. At every level on your Millionaire Entrepreneur’s Path — from Level 1 of Getting Started through Level 5 of Creating Legacy — you need to ensure your business’s back end is properly established.

For example: Are you a sole-proprietor and if so, have you talked to your accountant or biz attorney about becoming incorporated? This could potentially save you a lot in taxes and protect your business. Another example is, do you run your business income and expenses out of the same bank account as your personal life? The IRS frowns on this so consider opening a separate, business account. The point is to re-evaluate your business structures regularly so you’re all set to easily leap into the next level.

Tip #3 Prepare Today To Leverage Your Time And Energy Tomorrow

In my coaching programs I find that women either wait too long to implement easy ways to serve groups of clients, or, jump in too soon trying to implement the latest fad income stream without making sure their list size and skill set prepare them for success.

What I coach my clients to do is to start offering teleseminar programs, master mind days and high-end group programs early in their business but to be realistic about the number of expected participants.

For example: While you’ll likely need to wait until your list is 2,000 or more before offering any type of membership program, if your list is smaller you can still start offering group programs. You can easily offer a teleseminar-based program, aiming for between 10-30 participants. This gives you a chance to plan and implement a launch and deliver great content. And if you focus on growing your list, then, the next time you’ll enjoy even more participants enrolling into your program.

The Shortest Path To Millionaire Business Status Is Not To Skip Steps, But To Move Through Each Step As Quickly And Effortlessly As You Can

The only shortcut there is to business success is to shorten your learning curve by getting the best mentoring and advice you can. You’ll be surprised at how quickly this helps you move up the entrepreneurial levels and supports you in enjoying the journey every step of the way.

Remember, being an entrepreneur IS a journey of self-discovery, accomplishment and challenging yourself to keep evolving what you think is possible for you to achieve!

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The Key To Rapid Biz Success Is To Follow The Millionaire Entrepreneur’s Path