Are Your Man’s Money Beliefs Holding You Back From Success?

by | Aug 2, 2011 | Money and Mindset

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If you’re in a committed relationship then you’ve likely experienced having an argument about money. Add in to the mix that you’re a woman entrepreneur and arguments about money can magnify in both frequency and intensity.

Studies show that the number one topic couples fight about is money. I’m not surprised, since money is often a mirror for both where we give up our power and for mirroring our fear of not having enough. No wonder this is such an emotionally charged topic!

And as a woman entrepreneur, growing you’re business is dependent upon you investing in training courses, attending events, participating in coaching programs and other activities that your spouse may see as frivolous, when in truth, these are the very actions that will help you leap out of overwhelm and into success.

So, what’s an ambitious woman to do when she loves her man and doesn’t want to compromise her business growth by holding back, but doesn’t want to get into another argument over money?

Sit tight and buckle your seatbelt…I’m about to share three tips with you that will help you keep the peace AND give you permission to invest in your business so you can watch it grow.

Tip #1 Guys Love Logic So Use This To Your Advantage

When I was first growing my business, every decision I made — from which events to attend to whether I would hire my first assistant — was made on faith and prayer. Yes, my intuition said these were the right decisions to make but the truth was, I had no track record to prove they would pay off.

So how do you get your spouse to support you when all you have to say to justify your decision is, “Honey, I KNOW this is the right thing to do!”?

Try this: since most guys love to know the facts, focus less on how strong your intuition is and instead, emphasize how you’re going to implement what you’re about to learn from the event, coaching program, or training teleseminar you want to invest in.

This is your opportunity to be specific. For example: if adding on just two next clients will more than pay for the training or workshop you want to invest in, write it down for your guy like this:

Course registration of $997 = Two new clients of just $597 each.

Now, doesn’t that seem totally do-able?

Tip #2 Stand In Your Power With YOUR Beliefs Rather Than Trying To Change His

If your beloved is skeptical, fearful or focuses on what can go wrong regarding money, just let him be. What you need to do is focus on YOU. It’s not your job to fix him, heal him or get him to change his mind. But what you CAN do is stand in your power with what you believe. Then, back up your positive beliefs with action.

That means standing firm in your decision to participate in the events or trainings you’ve chosen to help you prosper in your business, even though your mate may not approve. Remember that no one can take your power away unless you let them.

Just be sure that you’re surrounding yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs, that you acknowledge your successes and you focus on implementing what you learn. Your man may never share your extreme positivity but he will admit that what you’re doing is working when he sees your results.

Tip #3 Ask For What You Want So Your Guy Can Provide

When it comes to money, men are motivated to provide. Compare that to women, who crave security. Knowing this, I’ve found that simply by asking — directly and with authority — for your guy to support your financial decisions and to trust you, can work like a charm. He may still be doubtful but when you put your request to him directly, he’s likely to agree to it.

Building A Business Is A Lot Like Building A Relationship…

Both take commitment, compassion and most of all, courage. The greater your passion, your sense of purpose and your implementation plan, the sooner your sweetie will relax and even support your decisions. In the meantime, stand strong for what you believe in, keep the faith and don’t let anyone hold you back from investing in yourself and in your business!

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Are Your Man’s Money Beliefs Holding You Back From Success?