How To Choose The Right Priorities To Grow Your Business (Part I)

by | Sep 20, 2011 | Coach Training

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While leading a recent coaching retreat, I asked one of my clients where, in her list of priorities, was she ranking money.

The answer? Low. Which explained why her income was episodic, why her business wasn’t growing as fast as it could and why she was working a lot more hours than she needed to for the income she was generating.

Ladies, considering that we create our lives through the choices we make, it makes sense that what we choose most often is what we have the most of in our lives.

Which explains why so many women entrepreneurs are struggling to make money in their businesses. They’re simply choosing to place money low on their list of priorities, even though they say they want to make more.

If you’re serious about making and keeping more money, you simply must start making it a priority – every day. And that means making new choices. Here is one of my favorite income generating exercises, PLUS the top 3 mindset shifts I used to make money a priority in growing what is now a multi-million dollar business:

First, a quick exercise: Write down all the things you do in a day. Estimate how much time you give to each activity. Be sure to include personal activities like sleep, meal times, chatting with friends, and running errands. Now, as honestly as you can, estimate how much time you spend on email, social media, and surfing the Internet.

Where are you spending the most time? Like it or not, those are the areas you’re choosing to make a priority in your life. Here’s the wake-up call I want you to take away from this exercise: Where you put your attention is where you’re creating your business and your life.

What would happen if you made money a priority in your business AND your life?

If you gave money as much time and energy as you’re giving to the activities you listed as your current priorities, how would your business be different?

Money Priority Mindset #1: First DECIDE How Much Money You Want to Make

It’s not enough to simply say, “I want more money” or even, “I want to make six figures this year.” Specificity is key to creating what you want. If you’d like to make $300,000 this year, that’s very different than $100,000. Choose an exact amount you’d like to create and by when.

You also need to be clear about how much you truly want – not what you think you deserve or what you think you’re capable of making. Those are just limiting beliefs – and beliefs impact our choices in the moment. Dig deep and identify the sum that makes you just a little bit nervous with excitement. That’s your real Bold Money Goal!

Money Priority Mindset #2: Give Yourself PERMISSION to Be Successful

Women often make limiting choices because they actually fear success. The most basic concept to embrace is that without money, you can’t keep serving others indefinitely. With money you can accomplish great things. When you’re clear on this it’s much easier to let go of the false illusions and beliefs that may be holding you back and keeping your finances small.

Open yourself up to the possibility that you can do more and give more when you allow yourself to receive more.

Money Priority Mindset #3: Let Go of PERFECTIONISM

“Completion, not perfection” is a mantra I’ve become famous for. Insisting that things have to be flawless before offering them to clients is really just another choice you’re making to prioritize something other than generating money.

Which means that you consciously choose to stop the endless cycle of revision that puts you over deadline and under your financial goals.

And not to worry, making money a priority won’t turn you into a greedy person. What it WILL do is support you in creating the spiritual and financial richness you’ve been longing for.

My challenge to you this week: Decide to make money a priority and practice these 3 money priority mindsets. See what shifts for you. Next week in Part 2, I’ll reveal the most important actions you can take to put money at the top of your to-do list!

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How To Choose The Right Priorities To Grow Your Business (Part I)