How To Raise Your Pricing Self-Esteem

by | Nov 1, 2011 | Money and Mindset

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Next to selling, no other aspect of a woman entrepreneur’s business causes her as much anxiety as figuring out what to charge.

I’ve known plenty of outwardly confident woman — the kind who wouldn’t hesitate to walk side by side with the big boys when it comes to success and achievement — who inwardly shrink when it comes to raising their fees.

Woman take everything in their businesses personally, which is why pricing pushes our self-worth triggers and stirs up old, past emotional wounds leftover from childhood, that we thought we’d left behind long ago.

Giving yourself a raise by raising your fees does not have to feel as if you’re tripping on emotional land mines in high heels. On the contrary, I’ve discovered that by learning a few simple secrets to raising your fees, you can begin healing deeply hidden self-worth issues AND benefit your bank account at the same time.

The secret is to follow the 3 simple steps I’ve outlined for you in this article. Do so and you can expect greater confidence, increased respect from others and the higher fees that tell the world you’re worth it!

Tip #1 Know What Not To Take Personally

Your fees aren’t a reflection of YOUR value, but of the value you and your clients place on the RESULTS they achieve from your expertise. Which means this is one area of your business you’ll be better served not to take personally. So instead of asking yourself, “How can I charge that much?” step back and instead ask, “What are the specific results my client want, get and value?”

By focusing on the results your clients achieve you’ll help avoid the emotional trigger of “I’m not good enough”.

Tip #2 Know How To Positively Benefit From Feedback

One of the big fears woman business owners harbor is the fear of rejection, which often comes from not getting enough love, affection and acceptance as a young child. And, often causes the adult you to freeze in your tracks when it comes to marketing, offering your services or discussing fees.

Ironically, entrepreneurs who fear rejection often feel isolated because they’re not reaching out and connecting with enough people, and are quick to feel shut down if someone declines their offer.

What’s needed here is a major reframe. Start by marketing to people who are most likely to love and accept your service, then build from there. By focusing on the people who are likely to love you, you’ll quickly see positive results from your marketing and a growing self-confidence.

Tip #3 Know When To Raise The Bar

Holding back from raising your fees sends an unspoken message that you’re not confident about your services which is why raising your fees gives you the perfect opportunity to see your business through a new lens. When you raise your fees you automatically walk taller and start playing your “A” game in all areas of your business…and in your life. This will support you in not going down the path of “Who am I?”

While It May Seem Scary At First, Your Pricing Self-Esteem Will Positively Impact Every Aspect Of Your Life And Business

You’re in business because you care about helping others achieve their ultimate potential. Now it’s time for YOU to do the same, by facing the shadow side of raising your fees. Underneath that shadow is a vibrant, confident you who knows she CAN charge what she’s worth…and get it!

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How To Raise Your Pricing Self-Esteem