Are You Ready To Be A ‘Tall Poppy’ With Your Income?

by | Dec 7, 2011 | Money and Mindset

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Given that it’s only within the past few decades that women have had the opportunity to flourish as entrepreneurs, it’s no wonder that so many feel hesitant about becoming major income earners.

But with the economic changes of the past few years, women are now starting businesses in record numbers. And in the process, facing their feelings and their fears about making more.

Which is why it’s critical that as a woman entrepreneur, you get comfortable becoming a “tall poppy”. A tall poppy is the one who stands tall, leading others. The original story of the tall poppy admonished someone from standing out, above others. This story was meant to keep people from questioning their circumstances or from exploring fresh opportunities to better themselves.

Ladies, we know those days are over, and if you’re serious about making a difference for others, then it’s crucial that you become equally as serious about being a tall poppy with your income, otherwise, how can you be the leader and role model you were born to be?

Which is why I’m sharing 3 of my favorite tips with you, all on how you can get comfortable and confident making more money, while still being in your feminine energy.

Tip #1 – Your Being Successful Empowers Other Women To Do The Same

Women are hungry for positive role models that help them feel empowered and confident to take action in new and exciting ways. And don’t forget about young girls who are looking up to us adults for guidance and permission to thrive.

Remember this when you might be tempted to reduce your fees or discount your services (you can always offer an appealing payment plan to help your prospective client say “yes” to your offer). Stand firm with your fees and you’ll help others do the same.

Tip #2 – Don’t Let Others Jealousy Or Fear Keep You Playing Small

As you begin to embrace success it’s normal to trigger discomfort in a few others. They may tell you what you’re doing won’t succeed or worse, that you can’t succeed. Even well-meaning friends and family can offer “advice” that feels more like a dig than an encouragement.

Remember that this is their issue, not yours. For every person who is negatively triggered by your desire to be successful, there are ten others who are inspired by you to reach for their own goals. Everyone deserves to be a tall poppy, most of all you!

Here’s something you can say that keeps you playing big, and standing in your personal power:

“I’m sorry that you are not able to be supportive of my dream. Taking my business to the next level is a top priority for me so in the future, I would appreciate that if you can’t say something encouraging and positive, that you refrain from saying anything about my business.”

Tip #3 – Be Willing For Others To See, Hear and Witness Your Success (And No, I’m Not Talking About Bragging)

One of my coaching group program members confessed how she had been holding back from sharing how much she has achieved and the successes she’s created. Why? Because when she was young she was told that if she shined her light brightly, it would diminish others.

Women are not by nature braggers, so you have nothing to fear in the category. Allow yourself to let others know of your success. For example, let your clients know if you’ve won an award, met an important goal, landed a top client or have been featured in the media. People will look up to you with fresh respect, which will result in greater demand for your services, higher fees and exciting, new opportunities opening up for you.

Being A Tall Poppy Doesn’t Mean You’re Above Everyone Else, It Means You’re Being An Authentically Brilliant Leader

Other than Oprah, women entrepreneurs have precious few highly successful other women to model. Who knows, by you being willing to shine your light, you may be clearing a path for another woman who was needing just this kind of example in order to let her own light of success shine just as bright!

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Are You Ready To Be A ‘Tall Poppy’ With Your Income?