3 Areas Of Inner B.S. You Can Let Go Of Today To Grow Your Business

by | May 9, 2012 | Coach Training

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Women make the perfect entrepreneurs because we love to connect, network and support others. We’re super creative, resourceful and we know how to get tons done.

So why aren’t more women successfully creating 6 and 7 figure businesses? Why are most women entrepreneurs walking around, outwardly smiling but inwardly feeling like a fraud?

Because of the inner b.s. they let themselves believe!

Which is why at each of my live events and coaching workshops, I’m continuously asked, “Kendall, what shifts did you make in your mindset in order to up level your business so massively?

Yes, I had to change my mindset when I decided to stop playing small and say yes to getting my gifts and message out into the world in a bigger way. But I also had to take an honest look at the b.s. I was living with day to day…and do something about it.

Which is why I’m sharing these PERSONAL and CANDID tips with you, so you can quickly let go of what’s keeping you from experiencing entrepreneurial freedom.

No B.S. Tip #1: Stop Worrying About What Others Might Be Saying About You

Worrying what others will say or think about you can be stifling to your professional and personal growth. It’s a given that others will talk about you, and it won’t always be flattering or even nice.

My Advice: Understand that your success is triggering something for them that needs to be healed. It’s really not about you so rather than letting it get to you, look beneath the words to the heart of the person speaking them. It’s not your business to heal, fix, teach a lesson or shine your light less brightly. So turn your attention to taking care of your business and let their unflattering comments fall by the wayside, without giving them any more energy.

No B.S. Tip #2: See The Truth Behind All That Comparison You’re Doing

Guys use the energy of comparison to drive their competitive spirit, whereas women mostly use comparison to tear themselves down. Comparison feeds the wolf of not feeling valued or good enough.

My Advice: Listen up, because this will set you free — comparison will make you crazy, make you feel small and will rob you of the energy you need to get your gifts out into the world in a big way, via your business. Every time I catch myself getting caught in the trap of comparison I ask myself, “Where am I afraid or holding back?” Try it and you’ll see how quickly you’ll be snapped out of comparison and into aligned action.

No B.S. Tip #3: Dodging Making A Decision

There are two kinds of decisions women entrepreneurs make. The first type is to play it safe and keep everything tightly under control. This is the kind of decision that comes from fear and will at best, produce modest results and create massive overwhelm.

The second type of decision comes from grace and it feels exhilarating, empowering, terrifying and electric! It takes you forward by leaps and is life-altering, even though in the moment, it may not feel convenient or even comfortable.

My Advice: Stop saying “it’s not the right time”, “I’m already …” or “I can’t because…” because these are clear indicators you’re dodging a decision! And instead, get serious about making decisions that contain the potential to pull you forward. So, what is the first decision you’re going to make today?

Your Entrepreneurial Path Is To Help You Grow and to Let Go

People always say “Do what you love and the money will follow” but the mindset I believe in is this one that I created: “Your income is a measurable mirror of your willingness to stand in Grace and let go of the b.s.“.

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3 Areas Of Inner B.S. You Can Let Go Of Today To Grow Your Business