Do Your Discovery Sessions Need 911 Help?

by | Aug 7, 2012 | Coach Training

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Discovery (or Strategy) Sessions are a fabulous, tried-and-true component of your business foundation. No matter what stage of business growth you’re in — from starting up to building momentum to creating leverage and even legacy — you’ll find yourself using Discovery Sessions regularly to enroll new clients and new collaboration partners into your business.

But what do you do when your Discovery Sessions fail to convert the number of clients you need to sustain your business?

Whether your Discovery Sessions suddenly seem to have slid into a slump, or you’ve struggled with creating consistent results, it’s common for most women entrepreneurs to begin to doubt themselves.

That’s because for women, being an entrepreneur is a personal expression, as well as being a profitable venture.

But before you take the blame for hiccups in your Discovery Session success, I recommend taking a look at the system you’re following. Often, all it takes is a few minor tweaks to get you back into the game and seeing the results you expect.

I’ve created a checklist to help you quickly pinpoint why your Discovery Sessions may not be producing enough new clients for you, and what you can do to get this important strategy working properly to generate income for you.

Check Your Mindset
If you’re fearing rejection or you’re worried that if you don’t get this next client you’ll never get another one, then it’s understandable you’ll be tense or nervous before a call. One of the Discovery Session mindsets I teach is, “If they are on the phone with me, it must be their time!” This is a powerful mindset for helping you relax and have faith that the person on the other end of the call sincerely wants and needs your help.

Keep A Healthy Perspective
Lack thinking will trick you into believing that if you don’t get this client, you’re doomed for failure. The truth is, once you know how to generate consistent leads for your Discovery Sessions you’ll know there is an abundance of clients available to you. So relax, and keep in mind there is always more!

Go For Volume
The more Discovery Sessions you do, the more confident and skilled you’ll get at them. So instead of scheduling the occasional session, aim for generating at least 20 per month.

Create A Consistent Rush
Speaking, networking and teleseminars are great ways to generate a steady stream of Discovery Sessions. By focusing your marketing on creating these important appointments, you’ll be setting your business up for consistent cash flow, month after month..

Don’t Side Step The Money Conversation
I’m shocked at how many women feel discouraged about their Discovery Session results, yet are avoiding discussing fees or making a clear offer. Practice saying your fee 100 times in a day, until it flows effortlessly from your lips.

Rely On A Proven System, Then Master It
Discovery Sessions are not something you can “wing”. You need to have a simple formula that’s proven to work, then you need to follow that formula. A bonus advantage to using a formula is that in a short period of time, the formula will feel so natural and authentic for you, you’ll be free to connect even more deeply with your prospective client. This is mastery!

Discovery Sessions Have A Permanent Place In Your Business So The Sooner You Master Them, The More Good Fortune You’ll Be Generating Each Month!

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Do Your Discovery Sessions Need 911 Help?