Bouncing Back – How to Break Through a Business Breakdown

by | Aug 14, 2012 | Coach Training

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Did you know that Michael Jordan, after being cut from his high school basketball team, went home, locked himself in his bedroom and cried?

Or that Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for “lacking imagination” and “having no original ideas”?

And the Beatles were rejected by Decca Recording studios, who claimed “They have no future in show business.”

And Oprah Winfrey — one of the wealthiest women on the planet — was demoted from her job as a news anchor because she “Wasn’t fit for television.”

I’ve even experienced this myself, when I was told by a mentor that I “shouldn’t coach on the topic of money, as too many people were already doing it”.

Really? You’re serious?

It still astounds me when I think about it, especially considering that I’m now recognized as the leading expert on women entrepreneurs and money!

It’s easy to look back now at any of these situations and see how crazy wrong people were about all of us. But in the early days, experiencing rejection, disapproval and doubt from others can be devastating.

When you’re putting yourself out into the world in a big way — whether it’s through speaking, launching teleseminars, hosting a live event, making an offer from stage or simply trying to get your business income flowing and stabilized — you open yourself up to creating amazing success…or failure.

The question isn’t whether or not you might fail, but will you allow a letdown to define you. Which is why I’m tackling this sensitive subject and sharing my best, personal tips to help you bounce back from any business breakdown, with greater wisdom and clarity…and even a massive boost to your self-esteem.

Look Past — And Outlast — Your Fear
On the other side of fear is freedom, which means that no matter what happened, you’ve learned from your experience and now know what not to do, as well as what you’ll do differently the next time. This is the moment to reconnect to your Big WHY, recharging your passion and commitment for being of service to others, via a thriving business.

Don’t Turn One Breakdown Into A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Being an entrepreneur is one of the greatest paths to self discovery on the planet. Which means a business breakdown is likely going to trigger old self-worth issues. Remember, YOU are at choice here! So instead of succumbing to a pity-party, put on your big girl panties and dig in to discover what you could have done differently to make your last launch or idea more successful.

Get Real With Yourself
A colleague of mine worked her butt off to fill her live events, yet never seemed to attract more than 100 people, no matter what she did. And the response to her offers from the stage was embarrassingly small. Disheartened but determined, she used the opportunity to get real with herself and quickly realized that live events were not really “her thing”.

Turns out, she has an enviable talent for a completely different form of marketing, which she’s now 100% committed to and consistently producing 6-figure launches as a result.

The point is, being in business isn’t a cookie-cutter formula. Sure, use the information and strategies taught by others as a guide, but be sure to include what’s authentic for YOU in your marketing mix.

Get Into Action Again, Today
Often, experiencing a less than stellar launch or project can provide you with the feedback you need to turn right around and make lemonade out of lemons. In business, momentum is critical! So take your list of specific action items you now see you can do differently the next time and “create your next time” as quickly as possible.

For example, let’s say you just delivered a presentation for an audience of your ideal clients, and no one inquired about working with you. What was missing from the mix? Did you forget to make an offer for your free give away? Did you offer more than one way of working with you, and create confusion in the minds of your audience? Were you clear and specific about the situations you help people solve or did people seem not engaged with your message?

Your best bet in situations like this is to get another speaking gig booked A.S.A.P. so you can implement the changes you know see you need to make.

Even The Most Successful People In Your Industry Have Business Breakdowns…So Remember That YOU Are On The Path Of Becoming Amazing!

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Bouncing Back – How to Break Through a Business Breakdown