Are You Sabotaging Your Priorities? Let’s Find Out…

by | Dec 18, 2012 | Coach Training

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It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when it looks like everything necessary to up level your business needs to be implemented all at once.

Especially for women, who have an amazing ability to process and hold tons of information all at once in our brains, yet at the expense of our emotional sanity.

Which is why you don’t need a longer to-do list.

What you need is a short, simple prioritized list of exactly what to focus on.

And while I’m going to share that list with you I have to warn you about something first…

If you’ve been hiding out behind your computer, thinking you have to get your website/blog/ezine/marketing message/etc. done first, be careful, because you’re subconsciously going to be tempted to resist what I’m about to share.


Because unless you already have a steady stream of ideal clients flowing in, activities like these are a form of hiding out. And hiding out keeps you playing small, “shrinking to fit” and it also falsely causes you to feel like you’re staying safe.

But real safety doesn’t come from playing it safe, it comes from doing the things that challenge you to step through your fears.

So it makes sense that if you’re worried about rejection, or what people will think of you or fear of failing that you’ll naturally gravitate towards keeping busy to distract yourself from engaging in the activities that might trigger those secret fears.

Please understand that while this feels safe, it’s creating the opposite of safety for you in your business!

Okay, so let’s bring this back to your business and solve this for you. Because by solving it you’re going to feel amazingly confident and proud of yourself, and you’re going to find yourself making more money than you ever have before.

Here are 4 simple essentials, showing you exactly what to focus on — in priority order — to create 6 and multi 6-figure success with your business. Which of these do you most need to master?

Focus On Making Sales

Mastering the art of transforming a conversation into a paying client is the most essential skill you must have in your business. Because without sales, you won’t have clients and without clients, you won’t have a business.

Even highly leveraged businesses (those that focus on teleseminars, group programs, information products and workshops) still require 1-on-1 conversations. Why? Because the bottom line of any successful business is dependant on the people you connect with.

Knowing how to confidently lead client-converting Discovery sessions is a skill you’ll use daily in your business and is your pipeline to creating a steady stream of income.

Deliver Lucrative VIP Days (In-Person Or Virtual)

While leveraging your time is awesome, VIP Days are still my favorite strategy for giving any business a quick income boost at any time. These are so surprisingly simple to design, market and deliver that most of our clients are banking their first VIP Day deposits within just a few days of learning our VIP Day template.

VIP Days are perfect if you’re in the early stages of growing your list or you don’t have a website…and later on when you can charge hefty, 5-figure fees for getting your expertise in a 1-day intensive format.

“Template” Your Day To Eliminate Distractions

You’re either in control of your day or it’s in control of you! Each day invested in your business should be spent directly connecting with potential clients and referral sources, or delivering services.

Unfortunately, it’s easy to let social media, OPC (Other Peoples’ Crap), or your own fears consume all of your working hours…without the income to show for it.

The solution is simple: “template” you day by mapping out ahead of time exactly what you’re going to do, your start and end times, and a specific goal to achieve.

Entrepreneurs often have a tough time putting together this much structure, yet it’s the very tool that will free you to make more money in less time.

When we announced our ready-made 30-day marketing plan that shows you exactly what to do, day by day, in just 30 minutes per day (it’s part of my Boost Your Biz home study training course) our readers sent us “thank you” notes with tear-stains, expressing how grateful they were we had done the hard work for them!

Charge What You’re Worth And Get It!®

As long as you’re in business you’ll need to know how to appropriately set your fees so that you’re building your credibility and not under charging.

Be sure to follow a system that takes the guesswork out of figuring out your fees, so that you don’t run the risk of just picking a number out of thin air.

Remember WHY you started your business in the first place…

To live a life of freedom, making a big impact for others, using your brilliance and making fabulous income. So, no more hiding out behind your computer! This is your moment to get busy focusing on what you must do, in order to fulfill your amazing vision!

Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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Are You Sabotaging Your Priorities? Let’s Find Out…