Goal Setting Secrets For Women Entrepreneurs – Part 2

by | Jan 21, 2014 | Money and Mindset

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Goals can be tricky because women often slip into a space of “inner negotiating”.

You know this is happening to you when you find yourself thinking of a goal, then immediately down-sizing it because of fear of failing.

Or, you might be the opposite type, creating big, lofty, visionary goals that are not specific enough to get you into purposeful action.

Either way, if you’re not clear about exactly how to set specific and meaningful goals that pull you forward, you’ll find yourself stuck and not fulfilling your ambition.

In Part 1 of this series I shared the difference between feminine and masculine style goal setting. And I shared how understanding and working with the emotions behind the goal will create the emotional strength you need to feel committed to your goals.

Now I’ll show you the simple steps I use to set goals that pull you forward and challenge you to s-t-r-e-t-c-h yourself into a new level of financial and spiritual success in your business!

Tip #1 – Break Your 1-Year Income Goal Into 60-day chunks

While it’s critical to write down your 1-year income goal, it can quickly feel unreachable. Breaking it down into a series of 60-day Bold Money Goals makes it do-able. It will also keep you motivated to stay committed because you’ll see progress at regularly scheduled intervals.

Tip #2 – Avoid Noncommittal Language

Setting a goal to have “more”, “less”, “new” or “best” isn’t specific enough to get you into action and focused on results. How much is “more”? What does “best” really mean? How many “new” is it that you really want?

When you commit to a specific and measurable result, you’re taking yourself seriously and making it easy to see new opportunities that will help you achieve what you want.

Tip #3 – Make One Goal Entirely Self-Improvement Focused

Business is really a spiritual game, challenging you to break free of past conditioning that can otherwise take you off course. So every year I set a self-improvement goal that helps me break free of past limitations and become the feminine leader I’ve always dreamed of being.

Remember that the point of a goal is to help you choose specific actions that create change. Creating one self-improvement goal will instantly help you see opportunities for taking a training course, investing with a mentor or attending a workshop that will help you create the new beliefs and mindset you’re seeking.

Tip #4 – Create Your “Decide And take Action” List For Each Goal

A goal without action is just wishful thinking. To empower your goals all you need to do is brainstorm 3 actions steps per goal. Write these down, and you’ll start to see how to make them happen.

Transformation Means Being Stretched!

You’ve set your goals, you’ve brainstormed 3 action steps and as if by magic, you’re presented with an opportunity to step into your next level. Maybe it’s attending a workshop, partnering with someone on a collaboration project, raising your fees, getting a big, new contract..and you’re scared.

I get it!

But hear this: saying “no” isn’t an option. You must say “Yes!” to opportunities that support your goals, even when they are not convenient, seem really scary or challenge your old way of thinking.

If you’re not being challenged you’re not growing, and if you’re not growing you’re “shrinking to fit”.

So, set your goals so you can grow!

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Goal Setting Secrets For Women Entrepreneurs – Part 2