Why Being A Control Freak Can Be Good For Your Business

by | Nov 4, 2014 | Money and Mindset

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Have you ever been called a control freak?

Me too! Early on in my business, I was tempted to quickly jump to my own defense, feeling as if something was wrong with me.

But in my journey to becoming a multi-million dollar woman entrepreneur, I’ve discovered that being a control freak isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

In fact, every hugely successful entrepreneur I know of shares this characteristic.

But what if being a control freak seems to work in favor of other entrepreneurs, but for you, it causes you to keep you playing small?

What is the secret to being an amazingly successful woman entrepreneur …versus feeling like a crazy person, trying to handle everything yourself?

Read my tips now to help you get a positive result from this common (but often misunderstood) personality trait.

Tip #1: What SHOULD You Control (And What Can You Can Release)?

First, understand that trying to control everything will leave you exhausted, and turns your business from a place of extraordinary personal expression, into a thing of hard work and needless efforting.

To keep things simple, here are the ONLY 3 areas you need to focus on controlling.

  • Your numbers
  • Your marketing
  • Your mindset

Everything else can be handled comfortably when you give your attention to these 3 crucial aspects of your business.

Tip #2: How Do You Get Control Of Your Numbers

You’ve heard that what you track, expands, right? What this means for YOU is this: the more in touch you are with your numbers, the faster you’ll see an upward spiral of increase with your income.

For starters, here is what I track in my business:

  • Basics such as money coming in daily
    (Waiting until you ‘have something to track’ is a no-no. The point is to track your numbers, no matter what, and you WILL start to see an increase – I promise!)
  • Monthly expenses
    (Divide these into a few simple categories)
  • List size growth
    (Hint: your percentage increase matters more than the actual list size)
  • The number of Discovery Sessions you’re giving
    (If it’s less than 10 per month then get out from behind your computer and start getting visibility!)
  • How many conversations are transforming from interested to invested
    (This is your conversion rate)

You know the phrase, “The truth will set you free”? Same is true with your numbers, so if you value freedom, start tracking!

Tip #3: Creatively Taking Control Of Your Marketing

Most women entrepreneurs find planning confusing. If you’re more of the creative type like I am, then planning can seem too structured or linear compared to how our feminine brain likes to process.

I discovered that for us creative types, planning is really just creating, using the right templates.

For example, when I’m coaching my clients I pull out a flip chart and a pad of sticky notes. Every launch idea is written on two individual stickies: the first says “start launch of ________” and the second says “deliver _______”.

Then, we draw a simple year-long calendar (months listed down the left, and week 1, 2, 3, 4 across the top) and start placing the stickies in the right calendar spot, based on when we think each launch will start, and when delivery will begin.

Within minutes, what before had seemed out of control now has a simple structure and time line. Done!

What Happened When I Stopped Worrying About Being A ‘Control Freak’…

By redirecting my energy into tracking and tweaking core areas of our business, in just 90-days, we experienced an increase in sales and saw monthly revenue stabilize (meaning, less up and down roller coaster money months).

Once that happened, I began to see opportunities to grow that were always there, just hidden from view. For example: we sharpened up our client connection activities and follow up sequences, which resulted in more sales. We launched a new home study program, tweaked our semi-annual sale, implemented new free offers on social media (which helped dramatically increase our list) and more.

Imagine what could happen in YOUR business simply by controlling the things you CAN control.

And don’t ever again let someone calling you a control freak make you feel anything other than financially empowered!

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Why Being A Control Freak Can Be Good For Your Business