Quick Fixes For Keeping More Money

by | Jan 13, 2015 | Money and Mindset

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If you’ve ever felt the thrill of suddenly having a financial windfall, like signing on a new client, launching a program, landing your first higher-fee client or receiving an unexpected commission check — then only to see the money disappear by the end of the month, then you’ve probably wondered, “What just HAPPENED?!

Most women entrepreneurs react to money, causing feelings of powerlessness or of not having any control.

Despite what it can at times look like on the outside, trust me when I say that money does not control you.

You are MORE in control of money than you realize or give yourself credit for. The trick is in mastering the right ways to BE in control, so your cash keeps flowing in.

Here’s how it works:

On the inside, experiencing a financial windfall can often trigger old patterns of not good enough, guilt, shame or deservability. It doesn’t matter how much you “need” the money, unless you know what to do, these feelings unconsciously take over, putting you right back to where you started.

Now, before you think, ‘Uh, oh” let me reassure you, creating a powerful money breakthrough is actually pretty simple.

I’m going to share the first steps with you right now. And the best part? These steps are super easy and nearly effortless to take.

Step #1. Get Wise To Your Patterns

If you can name the pattern that results in money leaks, you’re already a step ahead. For example:

Do you swing from overwork to exhaustion, creating wide gaps in your income?
Do you overspend as a way of avoiding feeling the emotion of having the goodies in life?
Do you slip into “generously” giving money away to make up for feeling guilty?
Do you avoid discussing money or use secrecy to avoid conflict?

Let’s be honest, we ALL have our patterns, so the more truthful you are with yourself here, the faster you’ll empower yourself to take control and get into aligned financial action.

Step #2. Give (or Get) Permission to Have More

I’ve had more women ask me to “give” them permission to make and keep money than I can count. I’m always happy to give them a blessing, making it safe for them to feel loved and accepted by someone they trust, so they can create greater income.

Why does this work? Because EVERY woman I’ve ever coached on money has someone in their life they have concerns about upsetting, making angry, disappointing, hurting or disempowering in some way, should she make and keep more money.

Please take this to heart: Your desire to be financial successful does not disempower anyone! Will a few people in your life perhaps feel threatened? Possibly. But that’s their path, not yours. Remember, your playing small doesn’t help anyone else feel big.

Step #3. Create Financial “Stickiness”

Do you track your income daily? And all of your expenses?

Do you have Bold Money Goals that pull you forward every 60 days?

Do you have an amount you won’t allow your bank balance to dip below? (I call this your “Warrior Line“)

Do you have a debt pay-down plan?

Do you have a weekly money date where you keep your finger on the pulse of your cash flow so you’re treating your business like a business?

Creating money habits like these gives you confidence and helps you trust yourself, paving the way for creating even more security and financial freedom.

Step #4. Create A Money Breakthrough

You’ll quickly begin to see proof of a money breakthrough for example, the first time you have money flowing in more days in a month than you didn’t.

Or when you have money left over at the end of the month, ready for you to sock away for something you really value.

And imagine how in control you’ll feel when you see a training course or workshop you want to take, and for the first time, you believe in your heart it’s an investment in yourself that WILL pay off.

Each of these examples are simply milestones on your money breakthrough journey. Just remember, it’s not a matter of, “When I have the money I’ll…” (did you catch how saying that is giving up your control and power?!).

Your money breakthrough journey is one you can easily start today, in small, specific, practical ways.

Here’s a bonus money power tip: Set aside a small amount every month earmarked specifically for periodic expenses (insurance, workshop fees, new website, etc). When they come up, you’ll have at least a portion of the money banked, keeping you from experiencing a financial “gotcha!” when you’re not expecting it.

You’ve heard the phrase, “Little hinges swing big doors”?
When it comes to money I say,
“Little actions create YOUR financial freedom”!

After coaching thousands of women entrepreneurs on money, I promise by taking the actions I teach, the money breakthroughs you want will come to you faster and easier than you’ve ever imagined!

Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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Quick Fixes For Keeping More Money