COURAGEOUS COACHING® Training: What Clients Want and Aren’t Telling You

by | Mar 10, 2015 | Courageous Coaching®

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When I first started coaching over 14 years ago, I was taught to “let the client lead the agenda.”

The problem with this approach is it put me in a reactive position as their coach (meaning, I followed their lead, responding to what they decided to coach on), rather than a proactive position, where I could coach my client and really help them accelerate their progress.

Plus, the problem I discovered with this old style approach is that it opened the door to hearing, “I’m not sure what I want to coach on today” which resulted in higher client drop out rates.

To make it worse, I felt I was hiding out, not speaking my truth and holding back from gi=ving my clients what they needed to thrive and excel.

Finally, one day, I had enough so I threw out the rule book and created my own Courageous Coaching® method of coaching.

Here is what I did: First, I started introducing content in many of their coaching calls. Next, I began weaving in Courageous Coaching® training (complete with handouts, worksheets and checklists) so they felt excited to be learning something new. Then, I began consciously putting them on a step-by-step path with Courageous Coaching® assignments that I KNEW would work for them.

Their reaction? My clients LOVED it, and my business took off!

If you’re a coach trained in the “old school” method, or you’re new to coaching and you haven’t quite found your footing yet, this new Courageous Coaching® paradigm of blending content with coaching is very exciting.

The key is for you to know how much content to include in your coaching sessions, and even more importantly, WHAT content your clients are most likely to pay you to deliver. Here are 3 easy Courageous Coaching® training tips to help get you started.

Courageous Coaching® tip #1: Be Ready To Include Content In Your Coaching Calls

While the philosophy that the client leads the agenda may have worked years ago, in today’s economy, clients expect YOU as their coach to share knowledge that will help them quickly accelerate their results.

Here’s how: Plan on delivering a small portion of content in most of your coaching calls. One exercise or checklist is plenty per session. This way, you still have time in your coaching session to coach your client on how the content applies directly to them.

Time-saving Courageous Coaching® Tip: This is your opportunity to pull out and re-purpose your checklists, templates, scripts or how-to lists. You likely have a ton of content just lying around that you can re-purpose in this way.

To spark your creativity, ask yourself,

“What will save my clients time and make it easier for them to get into action?”

Courageous Coaching® tip #2: How Do You Know If Your Content Is “Marketable”?

Marketable simply means content that, when included in your coaching or consulting programs, adds value to your clients’ experience.

So how do you know it’s the right content? Start by noticing what your clients are struggling with or keep asking you for help with. You don’t need to solve all of their problems – just offering content that solves even one teeny tiny problem will be hugely valuable.

For example: Let’s say many of your clients struggle with overfull calendars. Marketable content would include offering a tips list on prioritizing, a simple system for scheduling their time, or a handout you coach them through on setting boundaries. Each of these ideas can be easily woven into your coaching sessions.

Courageous Coaching® tip #3: Don’t Waste Time Reinventing What Is At Your Fingertips

If you don’t have your content pulled together into a marketable package then consider getting trained in someone else’s system (like in one of our certified coach training programs for example). Just be sure what you’re getting trained in is a complete system that includes templates, forms, exercises and checklists you can include in your sessions because you’ll need this to be successful.

Remember that people don’t hire coaches, they invest in getting a specific problem solved and achieving results.

From this moment on, if you let go of trying to sell coaching, and instead focus on offering marketable content you’ll benefit from a massive increase in coaching clients AND in your revenue. Enjoy!

Want to know more about my Courageous Coaching® training program? Click here today

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COURAGEOUS COACHING® Training: What Clients Want and Aren’t Telling You