I was thinking about you today…about how much you love what you do, and how good you would feel if you knew a specific way of giving yourself permission to make more.
Like a “how to” template that creates a powerful mindset shift about money.
I have a template you’re welcome to use (for free) — it’s 3 simple steps to completely eliminate that “fraud factor” feeling about money that you’ve probably been tolerating for too long.
You’ll find the template in my FREE webinar training (CLICK HERE TO get instant access to the training now)
The cutoff to watch this free training is Sunday, August 23rd.
Click on this link now to watch it, okay? (no charge)
Because your brilliance + my permission to make more template = a lot happier and more confident YOU (think many more clients you could be signing on with more confidence).
Don’t wait! This free training webinar — with all the templates and bonus mindset scripts — will only be up until Sunday, August 23rd.
You can get instant access to it now –> click here.
6 Ways to Avoid Leaving Coaching Money on the Table
Are you inadvertently leaving money on the table in your coaching business? From not preparing clients for renewals to undercharging for your services, these missteps are super common. But by bringing awareness to them and taking the steps to prevent them, you can...