As a woman entrepreneur, you’re likely highly empathetic.
You care about others’ feelings…maybe too much at times, right?
Which can cause you to hold off raising your fees.
And the result?
There you are again, working too hard, for too little.
I call this “the churn”.
And. It. Totally. Sucks.
Let’s get you out of the churn, TODAY, with these tips…
Tip #1: Don’t let worrying about how your new fees will impact your current clients keep you from charging what you’re worth. There is an easy way to handle transitioning your new fees and I’ll show you how.
Want to know what to base your fees on?
Click here to learn my secrets to package & price your services so you make more money, starting today <<
Tip #2: Don’t mistake ‘value for volume’. If you’re overloading your packages then not only are you fried, but your clients are overwhelmed and less likely to implement what you’re helping them with.
Want to know exactly what to put into your packages?
Click here to learn my secrets to package & price your services so you make more money, starting today <<
Tip #3: Don’t think your new fee is your forever fee. For example, you can increase your fees now and sign on a few new clients, then re-evaluate until you hit your sweet spot.
>> Are you ready to package & price your services so you make more money, starting today?

How To Handle a Cash Windfall (Part 2)
If you’re ready to normalize having more money, expand your financial confidence, and make powerful money decisions, this episode is for you. You don’t have to second-guess your success. You don’t have to feel guilty for making more money. You get to step into wealth...