3 Money Mindset Tips You Can Use To Make More In Your Coaching Business

by | Mar 6, 2018 | Coach Training

Whether you’re ‘good’ with money or not, every woman harbors inside her a secret, money critic.

This is the part of you that busily keeps tabs on how much you’re getting or not getting…how much you feel you need and don’t have…and how much you dream of having.

This part of your subconscious is happy as long as the numbers it’s tallying every day are within its comfort range.

But if the numbers begin to increase above that comfort level, life gets tricky and you may experience unexpected money drama.

For example, have you ever suddenly made more, then just as quickly found yourself out of money? Or experienced how no matter how hard you try to make more money, it just never seems enough? These are common ways to know that you’ve hit the edge of your financial comfort zone.

The good news is, you can forge a new path and powerfully shift the amount your subconscious has settled on, so that YOU don’t have to settle.

This is money work at a soul level and it’s surprisingly easy to do.

Here are three of my secrets for breaking through a subconscious barrier that’s blocking you from creating the income you desire in your coaching business.

Secret #1 Expand Your Money Comfort Zone

The more comfortable you are with bigger numbers, the more money your subconscious will feel comfortable managing for you.

For example, one of my certified coach training students excitedly told me that as she became more comfortable with bigger numbers her income finally reached six figures.

So instead of saying, “That’s expensive” or “That must cost a lot” take a look at the price of things that represent your next level of luxury and lifestyle.

How much are the nicer homes in your city? If you were on a shopping spree in a high-end boutique, how much would you spend?

Even better, if you were being paid high-level fees for your coaching, how much would you be making?

I remember years ago, reading an article in Time® magazine about executive coach, Marshall Goldsmith. The article reported that he charged as much as $100,000 per client.

I remember being floored that a coach could charge that much.

But seeing that amount opened my eyes to a new paradigm that eventually led to me creating a multimillion dollar coaching business.

Secret #2 Update Your Money Handling Skill Set

Your inner money critic is a childlike part of you that only wants to serve and protect you.

The problem is, if it’s using a limited skill set then you’re going to run into conflicts with the adult you who wants to enjoy greater financial flow and freedom.

To solve this, I recommend educating yourself on simple money basics.

The easiest place to start is taking a look at what part of your daily money life do you shy away from the most.

Is it balancing your checkbook or reading a bank statement? Or paying bills on time or with a feeling of joy?

Pinpoint which daily money tasks are the most problematic for you, then, get the coaching you need to update both your mindset and your capabilities. You’ll quickly experience a fascinating shift in the dynamic between your conscious actions and your subconscious:

As YOU become more trustworthy with money,
your subconscious will generously allow IN more money it now trusts you with.

Secret #3 Give Yourself A Money Makeover

If you’re serious about making more money in your coaching business then it’s time to give the old “money you” a makeover.

Try this: for the next 72 hours, practice asking yourself,

“As someone who makes ___________ how do I
(market my business, handle my team, increase my confidence, etc.)?”

At first this may feel a little uncomfortable or uncertain but stick with it and you’ll find yourself seeing everything about your coaching business in a new light, allowing your next level of income to flow in.

The amount of money you make is only limited by the amount you believe you’re worth.

So let’s up level that, okay?

Because divine source energy does not put a ceiling on how much you can make. This amount is up to you.

Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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3 Money Mindset Tips You Can Use To Make More In Your Coaching Business