Are you a “tell me what you need and I’ll help you” type of person?
Coaches often posses keen empathy skills.
Meaning, we naturally sense when someone may need help or is feeling stuck.
But when does jumping in to help someone shift from helpfulness to distraction?
Setting boundaries and living by them doesn’t make you a bad person…it makes you a stronger, empowered coach.
Here are 3 common situations — and what to do in each — where you don’t need to be available 24/7 in order for your coaching clients to feel the full measure of your caring and support.
Tip #1 Do You Have Clearly Defined “I’m available for you” Hours?
To grow your coaching business (and to keep from getting burned out) you need to set up the days where you’re available to answer client emails or phone calls.
For example, in my business those days are Tuesday – Thursday.
And what happens if a client emails or calls outside of those times?
I let them know when we first start working together what my office hours are. I share that if they email or call outside of those times, I may or may not be available to get back to them. I also let them know they are my first priority before answering other email or phone calls so just as soon as I’m in, I’ll be responding.
On occasion a client will email on Friday, and then again on Monday if they didn’t get a response. What do I do in that situation? I answer their email, then, at the end I add note that says:
“I want to be sure you know that I’m always happy to answer questions and coach via email Tuesday – Thursday. Days outside of that range I am typically not at my computer so anything sent late Thursday evening may not be responded to until Tuesday.”
Tip #2 Prioritize What Makes YOU Feel Like You
Yes, it takes a big investment of your energy and attention to grow your coaching business, but that doesn’t mean your business should consume your life.
So what activities outside of your business light you up?
For me it’s riding and spending quality time outside with my horses. I love nature and breathing fresh air. Plus, I find this time clears my mind and refuels my creativity.
For you it may be early morning work-out sessions, singing, dance classes or walking your dog.
What’s important is to get your body moving doing something physical 3-4 days each week. Keep it easy and uncomplicated. Then, build your coaching business time around it. For example, my team knows mornings are my horse time each day, so they don’t schedule anything that would conflict with that.
The mindset here is that you’re creating the time, not trying to make the time.
Tip #3 Say ‘No’ To Demands On Your Time With The Same Positivity As You Say ‘Yes’
Most women are uncomfortable saying ‘no’ and that discomfort is expressed as a defensive tone of voice.
Why? Because women hate hurting someone else’s feelings, or they feel they have to get tough in order to stand up for themselves.
The opposite is true and as an empowered, feminine coach, learning how to say no with grace is a skill you’ll use forever.
When you say ‘no’ with purpose and positivity (and let go of guilt) you’re standing in your power. You’re creating self worth and strengthening your self-respect which has a beautiful ripple effect of giving you more confidence in your coaching.
Want to practice? Try saying the simple sentence below out loud, while feeling positive and confident, knowing that you’re respecting yourself and the commitments you’ve already made:
“I’m sorry, I can’t be available at that time. I have other priorities I already committed to that need my full attention.”
The best boundaries can be set with the energy of giving (not taking away)
Giving, gratitude and appreciation are core values for me, even when saying ‘no’ to someone or setting a clear boundary.
Feeling connected to your core values will help you stay in a place of compassion, without feeling too much guilt, apologizing repeatedly or trying to ‘make it all okay’ for the other person.
The mindset in creating empowered boundaries is that boundaries don’t cut off opportunities…they allow freedom into your life!