3 Simple Tips To Managing Your Emotions During A Launch

by | Aug 7, 2018 | Coach Training

Did you know that a launch is nothing more than setting a date range during which you’re going to promote your private or group coaching?

And that you can create a simple, successful launch even with a small list?

Or from one speaking gig?

You don’t need to be a techie or a big name to host a launch, but you DO need to manage your emotions before and during your launch.

Tip #1  Decide In Advance What Success Is

Unlike a goal, you’re choosing how you’ll rate your success, based on internal factors that you completely control.

For example, success may look like completing all pieces of your launch and not giving up in the middle of it (believe me, there’s a moment in every launch where you’ll be tempted to!).

Or success may be writing promotional emails that tell a story, overcome objections and paint a picture of possibility for your reader.

Or success may be starting to do Facebook Lives.

Or using your launch to learn how to create a webinar.

At the end of your launch you want to be able to look back and know that you were successful, regardless of your final numbers.

Tip #2 Set A Money Goal 

Women have this weird thing about setting goals – they often only want to set a goal they know they can achieve.

But this is a mistake both in your self-development, and in your business.

Setting a money goal without knowing if you’ll reach it may feel scary but it sparks your subconscious to start seeking solutions, which is how you strengthen your entrepreneurial muscles.

And for me, it’s a catalyst to try new things, do more than I might otherwise, and to reach a little harder for what I want.

Worth it? Worth it!

Tip #3 Anticipate The ‘Launch Lull’

Every launch has a dead spot in the middle where your confidence sinks.

It sucks. I hate it. Then I remember, it’s just the lull.

During the lull is where I redirect my energy into looking at my marketing and asking fresh questions:

Where can I write and speak to objections going on in my ideal client’s head?

And make certain I’m speaking directly to my followers’ pain points and what they want to achieve as a result of our coaching or training together?

In other words, I get busy improving my marketing, which calms my nerves and gives me focus and direction.

Kendall SummerHawk | Certified Coach TrainingWhile my initial launches were simple and modest (my first launch filled my first 3 private coaching spots) I went on to create a multi 7-figure a year coaching business by launching.

And I learned along the way that paying attention to emotional energy during a launch is what builds unstoppable confidence in yourself and a deeply felt trust that you won’t give up on yourself.

And that, my beautiful one, is priceless.

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3 Simple Tips To Managing Your Emotions During A Launch