If you have a special someone in your life (husband, partner) then they’re probably the first person you look to for support and encouragement on your entrepreneurial journey.
Is that a wise choice? Or even the right choice?
No matter how much they love you, being a woman entrepreneur is such a crazy ride at times that there is likely to be a moment (or two, or three) when your hubby is going to question what the heck it is that you’re doing.
And if you take their questioning to heart you’re going to start to doubt yourself.
So to help you out — and give you the perspective you need to stay fierce in your commitment to growing your business — I’ve listed my best coaching for you and for your hubby, about how to handle these key moments that may come up between you two.
Use this checklist and you’ll each know what to do when that moment of ‘Whah???’ strikes.
- If your hubby keeps asking when your business is going to “pay for itself,” understand and hear his concerns and fears…and stay fiercely focused on your plan for growing your business. It takes 1-2 years for a business to start earning reliable income.
- If your partner is distrustful of you investing in your business, understand that his fears are not your responsibility…and stay confident in the choices you are making (remember that as a coach you’re not investing in traditional brick-and-mortar rent, widgets or shelf stock, YOU are your primary investment).
- If your partner is feeling envious that you’re living your dreams while he isn’t … understand that he is responsible for his own happiness. You can help by talking with him about what living his dream might look like, AND stay passionately committed to creating your dream business.
- If your husband resents the time you’re spending in your business, remember that men love to be listened to…and carve out quality time focused on him where he is your center of attention.
- If you’re worried about making more than your man, don’t…you shrinking to fit will not make him feel better about himself.
- Check out one of my previous blog posts for more: How to Get Your Spouse Behind You and Your Business
- If your entrepreneurial wife makes more money than you do, it doesn’t lessen who you are as a man…it tells the world how smart you are to be with a woman who is enterprising and confident.
- If you’re worried your wife will leave you if she starts to become successful, trust me, she won’t…she’ll be happy she has a partner who supported her dreams every step of the way.
- If you see your entrepreneurial wife spending more than she’s making right now, appreciate how much courage it takes for her to invest in herself…and be patient, as this is an investment that will pay off as she masters what she’s learning.
- If you’re concerned your wife may never make any ‘real’ money in her business, stop making your fears her responsibility…and instead ask her what you can do to support her growth and goals.
- If your entrepreneurial wife is stressed out trying to run your family and home along with her business, don’t tell her she has to give something up…instead, grab the laundry basket and lend a hand.
- If all the talk of mindset you hear your wife listening to sounds like hocus-pocus to you…remember that while you already believe in her, she needs to do everything she can to believe in herself.