Want to be a goal ‘finisher” before the new year? Here’s how …

by | Dec 20, 2019 | Coach Training

Have you ever held back from setting a goal because you didn’t trust yourself to finish it?

It’s like there’s a part of you that knows you’re meant for something bigger …and then there’s the part that says ‘Hmmm…maybe not.’

THAT part loves side tracking you with perfectionism, or with falling down the rabbit hole of social, or with 101 reasons why today is not THE day to get that goal going.

And yet…finishing a goal feels absolutely incredible.

I want you to experience that…to feel that feeling because when you do it will become your new healthy obsession.

So rather than give tips on how to start goals, I decided to start with how to FINISH them.

Because finishing is sexy. And smart. And ever so powerful.

#1. Write It Down

Without this simple action your goal is just wishful thinking.

#2. Say It Out Loud Every Day

Your spoken word is powerful! And saying your goal out loud makes it real.

#3. Correctly Assess Negative Feelings

Negative feelings like doubt, fear, confusion, overwhelm, indecisiveness, or saying “I don’t know” will come up.

What they don’t mean is it’s the wrong goal – they mean it’s a GREAT goal.

A negative emotion simply means you’re in the process of letting go of the old and replacing it with NEW thoughts that support your success.

Those emotions are in you and if you avoid them you’ll end up being stuck with them.

So when they come up, simply recognize it as an emotion that’s now open for you to make a new belief about.

For example: Feeling fear doesn’t mean there’s something to be afraid of.

It means you’re doing something new, you’re redefining your comfort zone. You’re growing. And remember that you’re safe no matter what.

#4. Substitute Empowering Language

Every time you’re tempted to say, “I don’t know how to______” replace it with, “This is how I’m going to figure it out

This language points your brain into finding solutions, which solves the “I don’t know how” problem and gives you that feeling of certainty you crave.

#5. Tell Someone Your Goal And Stay Accountable To Them

My recommendation is do not assign this role to your spouse.

Make it someone who won’t buy into excuses or explanations, and someone who isn’t also making demands on your time.

#6. Celebrate Each Every Small Victory Towards Your Goal

This is where you have to watch negative thoughts like ‘I’m still so far away from it’ or ‘I haven’t done that much yet’.

Those thoughts come from the place of perfectionism and not good enough, so when they happen just say to yourself – ‘that’s not true!’

Then make a REALLY big deal about every little tiny milestone you reach.

#7 Let Yourself FEEL Completion With Each Tiny Milestone

The big secret to achieving goals is to BELIEVE it is achieved before it actually is. So when you allow yourself to feel completion it confirms and supports that belief.

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Want to be a goal ‘finisher” before the new year? Here’s how …