Are you elevating your clients with every coaching session? Here’s how I do it…

by | Jul 10, 2020 | Coach Training

I teach so much about marketing, pricing, packages, you know — all the things.

But behind a 7-figure coaching business is the skill to coach clients to achieve rave-worthy results.

And here’s why: clients getting results refer their friends to you, and those friends are nearly 100% sold on you at hello.

Those friends fill your coaching slots, they jump into your coaching groups and they attend your (now virtual) workshops.

To be clear, ultimately it’s your client who is responsible for their results.

But you as their coach set the stage for their success.

You’re the leader.

You’re asking amazing questions and challenging them on their beliefs about what’s possible.

And you’re guiding them through a series of steps designed to lead them to those rosy results they’re dreaming of.

In the early years of getting my business as a business coach off the ground, I created a strategy I call, ‘elevating my clients with every coaching session’.

Here’s how I applied that strategy:

In every coaching session I bravely challenged their thinking (ahem, beliefs) about what is possible.

I held a higher vision for them, that in their heart of hearts they desired so deeply for themselves.

I firmly interrupted their ‘story’ (more beliefs popping up there) about why they were too overwhelmed, busy, not ready…whatever.

And I made sure to coach on simple steps they could take immediately.

That was it.

And I got it all done in a 30 minute coaching session.

Joyful for me, elevating for them.

As a 7-figure+ business owner, I still use the ‘elevate my clients with every coaching session’ strategy to where it’s now so much a part of me, I don’t even have to think about it — it’s just there.

If creating a 6+ figure coaching business is your dream I suggest this:

  • Decide to elevate your client with every coaching session
  • Be brave and hold your clients accountable to their dream
  • Ask for referrals consistently and you’ll get them!

If you found this article helpful hit reply and let me know.

I would love to hear from you 🙂


PS – I love — no, make that adore business coaching women entrepreneurs.

It’s the best, most amazing career on the planet for intuitive, ambitious women who love helping others and making a lot of money.

If you’re thinking, “Why in the heck aren’t *I* making a ton of money coaching women entrepreneurs?!” then reach out to me and let’s solve this for you.

With your passion + my done-for-you coaching content and coaching program outlines you can be signing on new, high paying clients sooner than you think.

And wouldn’t that just sweeten your tea right now? ;-))

Click here to reach out and talk to us about how you can hit the ground running with all of the done-for-you content you need (and coach training you’ll love) to help you profitably pivot into this exciting niche.

Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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‘31 Coaching Questions That Work With Every Client’

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Are you elevating your clients with every coaching session? Here’s how I do it…