Which coaching business do you want? Boutique or Empire

by | Apr 16, 2021 | Coach Training

You’re stepping into Business Coaching women entrepreneurs, so do you want to run a boutique coaching business or create a coaching empire?

There IS a distinction. Both paths are lucrative and fulfilling, just in very different ways.

I put together this ‘what it’s like’ list of the pros/cons of each.

As you read through each list, notice which one pulls you forward. Which one feels like it meets where you see yourself being in 2-3 years?

Which one sparks for you if you’re being totally honest and not censuring your thoughts or ambition?

There is NO right or wrong here – either the boutique coaching business path or the creating a coaching empire path are viable options for you.

And that’s the beauty of being a Business Coach for women entrepreneurs – you get to have your business look the way YOU want!

If you choose the boutique path as a Business Coach, here’s what that looks like:

  • You work with fewer clients, all high-ticket. You focus on keeping your coaching spots filled.
  • You work both 1-on-1 and run a small coaching group to add some leverage into your business model. Everything you offer is most likely delivered by you.
  • You have a small amount of support from a virtual assistant who helps out with social media, client agreements, and scheduling, but you don’t need any full-time employees.
  • You ultimately may bring on another coach to help enroll clients, or to offer a lower end group while you stay focused on your private and high end group clients, but now this is edging into an empire mindset.
  • There is a beautiful simplicity to this path. You’re not supporting a lot of team, you’re putting a cap on the number of people in your coaching programs, you don’t have to do a bunch of big launches. And your marketing can stay pretty simple.
  • With the boutique path, you can definitely produce $500k per year in revenue, and because your expenses are low, much of that will stay in your bank account as profit.
  • Your stress can stay low, but understand that since everything rides on you, if something happens there’s no one who can ‘cover’ for you. Preparing for that means it will be important to sock away a bunch of that profit in your ‘just in case’ account (I’m a big fan of saving anyway so this is a good idea no matter what).
  • You run a coaching business.

Okay. Let’s take a look at a different option…

If you choose the coaching empire path, here’s what that looks like:

  • You focus on creating a flagship group program that can handle dozens or even hundreds of coaching clients. It’s run ‘evergreen’, meaning clients can join at any time.
  • You’re impacting hundreds of lives through coaching, which can feel richly rewarding.
  • You hire team that includes coaches to support delivery, someone to enroll clients for you, a part-time assistant, and likely a marketing assistant. The idea here is that it’s not all on you and your team is allowing you to grow and scale.
  • You dive into different types of marketing, experiment with launches, ads, all the things. You learn as you go which works best for you so that you can keep adding clients into your beautiful eco-system.
  • You get to focus on what you love most, what I call your Soul of Genius. And you also spend a significant portion of your time working with your team. They become a big part of your daily life.
  • You take on more risk (hello payroll), and you’re required to learn how to be a real boss. You’ll be challenged to elevate into becoming a feminine leader.
  • You open the door for unlimited opportunity to reap bigger financial rewards and build real wealth.
  • You invest in creating a team that can create marketing, serve clients beautifully, bring in new clients and elevate your brand. What you can achieve because of this is mind-blowing.
  • You have money coming in when you’re not working and you can take time off without the train rolling to a stop. This is a new level of freedom you’ll get used to.
  • You run a coaching company.

I started out on the boutique path, then realized I was meant to create an empire.

I swallowed my fear thoughts of, “Who am I??” and “Can I do this??” and stepped into saying, “YES” to expanding my vision of how many women entrepreneurs I could support.

Is one path more or less work than the other? Is one easier? Or ‘better’?

No. No matter what, you’re creating a future where you’re generously compensated.

And no matter whether you’re creating a 6-figure, 7-figure or multi 7-figure business, it’s going to require tons of your attention, caring, creativity, energy and work.

No matter which path you choose, you’ll put in the work. But you’ll also reap the rewards of financial independence and time freedom.

You’ll create a healthy income that can support you gorgeously.

You’ll elevate and uplevel into your version of a badass Business Coach for women entrepreneurs.

Can you start with the boutique path, see how you like it and switch later on if the words ‘scale and evergreen’ start to intrigue you? Yes. If you get that itch to create an empire after all, you can do it.

The point is, as a Business Coach for women entrepreneurs, it’s YOUR business, and there’s no wrong way to do this.

No matter what, you’ll be making an incredible impact and creating the kind of income our grandmothers couldn’t even have dreamed of.

Are you ready to make the move and get trained and certified to coach women entrepreneurs? We exist to make this happen for you!

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Which coaching business do you want? Boutique or Empire