You Don’t Have To Be ‘All That’ To Coach Upper-Level Women

by | Dec 3, 2021 | Coach Training

As an emerging business coach for women entrepreneurs, there comes a moment where you’ve connected with an ideal potential client…

She’s energized, ready to work on her goals & definitely ready to hire a business coach with a soulful side (that’s you!).

And then…you start to feel intimidated.

She’s making more money, has past success & has been in business longer than you have.

Suddenly you go from being your empowered, bad-ass coaching self, to feeling like the kid trying to hang with a bunch of cool teens.

So what do you do?

Sign her up as your client & take her off that pedestal!

Because if you’re trained & certified then you ARE qualified to coach someone who makes more than you do.

The secret is to release the small-self feelings of being intimidated.

You can absolutely stay in your power no matter how much more money, success, celebrity or education she has.

Because you know what else she has?

Challenges, blind spots, places where she doesn’t have it all together or feels vulnerable.

That pedestal creates disconnection between you & her.

You don’t see her — you just see your small-self and that’s not fair to either of you.

When you recognize her humanity you see the person, not her money or whatever.

I was once at an event, sitting with a mega successful, multi 7 figure woman, married to a very famous sports husband.

I took her off that pedestal so I could really connect with her, listened intently & asked epically powerful coaching questions.

She wanted coaching on creating new consulting packages & she was making it too complicated.

I asked her with heart & meaning, “What is most important to you about the service packages you create?”


Her tears came, and crying, she told me she needed time freedom because her husband was slipping rapidly into Alzheimer’s.

Boom, that’s how it’s done.

You don’t have to be ‘all that’ to coach upper-level women.

What you do need is training in Courageous Coaching + core business principles that every woman entrepreneur, at every level, benefit from being coached on.

Get that, and you can stand in your power, making the income + impact you’re meant to in the world.



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You Don’t Have To Be ‘All That’ To Coach Upper-Level Women