8 Money Beliefs To Successfully Integrate Your Spiritual Path With Making Money

by | Feb 17, 2023 | Coach Training

Making money is the perfect catalyst for you to elevate into your highest and fullest potential…and be successful as a coach at the same time.

It’s not either/or…It’s YES/AND.

It’s you achieving your highest potential AND making money.

To support you, here are 8 money beliefs you can use today to successfully integrate your spiritual path with making money in your coaching business:

1. The more money I make, the more lives I am touching

2. The more I charge the more the people I coach will do the work and get the transformation they desire

3. The more money I make the more resources I have available to me to make a difference & do good in the world

Money is a powerful resource, and so is the confidence, self-worth, leadership and voice you gain in the process of making it.

Be willing to open the door to releasing and healing emotional drama because it’s so not about the money, it’s all about worthiness and love.

You can hold space inside of you for fear, doubt, scarcity and self-criticism, OR you can use that space in your heart for love, abundance, self-expression, passion and courage.

4. The more money I make the more I break free of old conditioning that does not represent my true, authentic feminine leadership

5. The more money I make the more of a leader and role model I become

6. Every dollar (euro or pound) I bring in represents someone’s desire to create a transformation that I can coach them to achieve

7. Making a lot of money makes me a role model for other women + young girls

8. The more money I make the more I can put it to use in ways that align with my most important values





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8 Money Beliefs To Successfully Integrate Your Spiritual Path With Making Money