(PODCAST EPISODE #9) 3 Decisions That Generated $30 Million in My Coaching Business

by | Nov 27, 2023 | Podcast

What does a great money decision actually look like, and what does it take to make the kinds of money decisions that create real success in your business?

I love really getting into what success and failure looks like from the inside out. I don’t want the glossy version – I want the real version, and if you do too, then you’re in the right place.

In today’s podcast episode, I’m highlighting three money decisions I made that turned out brilliantly and set me on a path of success and opportunity that I could never have envisioned at the moment I made them.

Listen to this week’s Podcast episode and discover:

  • Why you can always have a fresh start when it comes to money.
  • The intuition, boldness, and self-belief it takes to make truly brilliant money decisions.
  • 3 money decisions I made that paid off to the tune of millions of dollars.
  • How to start thinking in a way that enables you to make money decisions that bring success and opportunity in your coaching business.

Plus, I’ll share the surprising thinking behind these powerful money decisions, how each of these money decisions has contributed to the nearly $30 million in revenue I’ve made as a coach, and how to develop the courage and self-trust to start making your best money decisions for you in your coaching business.

Listen now – find episode 9 at https://www.themoneycoachschoolpodcast.com/decisions-coaching-business or on your favorite podcast app..


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(PODCAST EPISODE #9) 3 Decisions That Generated $30 Million in My Coaching Business