The Language of Money: Rewrite Your Money Story and Claim Your Financial Power

by | Aug 24, 2024 | Podcast

Are you unintentionally sabotaging your ability to make more money with the language you use every day?

In this powerful episode, I reveal the simple phrases that are subconsciously shutting down your brain and intuition’s ability to steer you towards greater wealth.

It’s time to counter those limiting words and open yourself up to what’s truly possible when it comes to your earning potential.

Shifting your relationship with money doesn’t have to be difficult or emotionally painful, so tune in this week to discover how to break free from frustrating money patterns and step into your money power.

You’ll learn the secret to creating overflow in your business and life, opening your brain and intuition up to what’s truly possible for you as a coach.

Listen to this week’s Money Coach School Podcast episode & discover:

☑️ How to clear out money gunk to make space for new financial opportunities in your coaching business.

☑️ The truth about how your past money story was formed, and how to rewrite it.

☑️ How using the ‘language of absolutes’ keeps you stuck in money drama loops.

☑️ A simple sentence starter to shift your brain into the realm of money possibilities.

☑️ The key to eliminating your inner fight with money once and for all.

☑️ How to develop money habits and beliefs that uplevel your life and income over and over.

Plus, you’ll discover the three critical money truths that you cannot afford to ignore if you want to reach your money goals this year.

Listen now – find episode 48 at or on your favorite podcast app.


Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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The Language of Money: Rewrite Your Money Story and Claim Your Financial Power