Kendall SummerHawk

Kendall SummerHawk is a pioneer in the women’s entrepreneurial movement.
Her trainings certify women in coaching content they can use to immediately begin creating and growing a lucrative, soul-rich coaching business.
As a result, graduates of Kendall’s certified coach training programs quickly begin creating extraordinary income, let go of past money blocks, and experience deep, soul level breakthroughs in claiming their worth.

She was named one of 2010’s Enterprising Women of the Year by Enterprising Women Magazine, as well as winning numerous other awards for her writing and for her work empowering women to make money doing meaningful work they are 100% in love with.

I started my coaching business from scratch and my first year was painful.
My wake-up call was in discovering this…

Once I had this epiphany, I created the Money Breakthrough Business Coach and the Sacred Money Archetypes® coaching systems for women entrepreneurs and my business quickly took off as I signed on more and more women entrepreneurs as my ideal clients.
I rapidly grew my coaching business into multi 7-figure annual revenues, which was awesome and life changing… but I always felt there was something else I was supposed to be doing…
My business is now
completely focused on my true passion and calling

I believe…

Imagine creating a lucrative coaching business you really, really love.

Because soul + success go together like chocolate and strawberries.
My 3 favorite words
Brilliant. Magnificent. Extraoardinary.
Because that’s who I know you are at soul level.

On the personal side, my obsessions include…
Becoming certified as a coach is the most lucrative way to express your Soul’s Purpose.
Are you ready to begin?
Free Download
‘31 Coaching Questions That Work With Every Client’
FREE Checklist For Women Coaches
- Avoid making embarrassing coaching mistakes (You get some of my BEST coaching questions as EXAMPLES)
- Discover exactly what makes a coaching question powerful (EXAMPLES included)
- Feel excited & confident asking those, ‘Oh, WOW!’ coaching questions
- Up-level your coaching skill, starting immediately
When you ask the BEST coaching questions, you get the best RESULTS for your clients!