Done 4 You Giveaway Winners

by | Jun 7, 2011 | Coach Training

Over the past couple of weeks I have been participating in the Done 4 You Giveway. The Giveaway is where a diverse group of high-integrity service providers, consultants and coaches come together to GIVE AWAY $750,000+ in done-for-you products and services that can really benefit you and your business.

When I was approached about participating I knew immediately exactly what I could offer that would give people the greatest result in the shortest period of time – the VIP Day Quick Profit Secrets Program. I love this program because I not only explain exactly what to do, step-by-step, to quickly design, market and run VIP Days and Virtual Workshops, but I also offer tons of checklists and templates to make it super easy. All you really have to do is plug and play.

So, I am happy to announce the THREE Done 4 You Giveaway WINNERS who will receive a copy of the VIP Day Quick Profit Secrets Program completely free.

1. Teresa Gonczy

2. Kelly Morrison

3. Robyn McKay

The Done 4 You Giveaway was a huge success, primarily because business owners like you know that sometimes it just makes sense to have someone else do the work for you. It’s important for you to do what you know how to do, to brilliantly service your clients and then to leave some of the other tasks to those who know better.

Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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Done 4 You Giveaway Winners