Keeping A Positive Attitude When Trouble Brews In Your Business

by | Jul 23, 2013 | Money and Mindset

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In a call recently with one of my mentors, we were discussing the results of a particular project that didn’t meet my goals.

I reported to him the results, along with what I felt worked well despite us not achieving everything we thought we could.

He sounded irritated as he interrupted me, telling me that not meeting our goals was nothing to celebrate.


I disagree.

Because the belief I’ve followed for years (and that has helped me create a multi-million dollar business from scratch) is this:

Success creates success.

Meaning that yes, while you can’t miss the mark on the majority of your goals, if you focus on two key elements with every project, then you will make rapid progress forward in your business…and, you’ll enjoy the journey at the same time.

Here are these two key elements, and my secret to keeping a positive attitude even when a project doesn’t work out the way you planned.

Success Element #1: What Was A Breakthrough?

Where did you try something new? Push yourself into uncomfortable territory? Hold your boundaries or learn something new? Making an honest and detailed assessment of what did work will help build your confidence — which is an especially important factor for women, who tend to judge themselves harshly and easily slip into an “I failed” mindset.

Success Element #2: What Will You Do Differently The Next Time?

Skip trying to sugar coat what went wrong and instead, list a minimum of 3 actions and/or decisions you will do differently, based on your recent experience. This will keep you grounded, and will help you avoid sliding down the slippery slope of feeling like giving up on yourself. Or worse, fall pray to making excuses, which disempowers you and negatively draws down your self-worth.

Plus, by listing what you’ll differently in this way, you’re giving yourself a specific checklist of concrete actions you can take with your next project.

Every project or launch is not going to be an all out winner. But every project will help you build your success, if you approach it with the amazing balance of appreciation for what you’ve learned, coupled with the practical mindset of the Divine Feminine entrepreneur that you are.

Oh, and my mentor? In our next call he cracked up laughing while he acknowledged my extreme positivity. Clearly, this is a trait he admires and now appreciates as part of my recipe for success!

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Keeping A Positive Attitude When Trouble Brews In Your Business