Sticky client situation? (coaching questions included)

by | Jul 6, 2017 | Coach Training

I just hopped off a Q&A call with the women I’m training to be certified Money, Marketing and Soul® coaches for women entrepreneurs…

…And the question came up, what do you do or say when your client is stuck?

It’s a great question, because as a coach you want to be sensitive and support your client – But this is a moment to be VERY careful of and here’s why:

Being sensitive and supportive doesn’t mean you buy into your client’s story of stuckness.

This is where your client needs YOU to stay in your power (what I teach as the ‘space of passionate detachment’).

This isn’t the moment to play it safe.

To worry about what to say.

Or to be passive.

This is the moment to remember the power of a beautifully asked question. Or two.


This is why I so love coaching women entrepreneurs!

They’re open and willing to look at their ‘stuff’ when being stuck comes up.

They kind of HAVE to, right?

Because the success of their business hinges on making decisions soulfully and swiftly.

And because hanging out in the energy of stuckness is toxic for their confidence.

So…if you’re a highly sensitive, empath (like I am) then this can be an easy path of coaching to navigate.

Here’s a tip on what to do:

Start by YOU believing their decision can be easy (which means you steering clear of projecting worry or concern onto your client).

Then ask thoughtfully provocative questions.

Here are 3 of my favorites: “What are you saying to yourself that might be getting in your way?”, “Is there someone you’re afraid of upsetting?” and “As someone who makes this decision easily, which choice do you want to say yes to?”

Follow this and you can swiftly and expertly coach your client to get out of feeling stuck and back into her power within just a few minutes.                                                   

And you complete the coaching session feeling like a rock star coach!


PS – Do you desire to do soulful work and make money as a coach, without putting any time into creating content from scratch?

Becoming a Money, Marketing and Soul® Certified Coach is how you can quickly begin making money in your coaching business — using my done-for-you content.

Imagine quickly transforming your desire to make money as a coach into a lucrative business you love!

I asked my team to open up just few spots to talk with you and see if this is right for you (we’re totally honest about that!)

Enrollment is open now – Click here to get all the details about getting certified.

Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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Sticky client situation? (coaching questions included)