Money shame? It’s a common block to charging what you’re worth

by | Jan 30, 2019 | Coach Training

Why am I opening up the conversation with you about money shame?

Because it’s the number one money block most ambitious women coaches experience.

And one thing I know for sure is that if we talk about it, we can heal it.

So are you in?

Let’s start with raising your coaching fees (and if you’re new in your coaching business don’t tune this out…you NEED to hear this).

Logic says do it.

Fear says maybe you should wait.

Shame whispers in the sneakiest, most insidious of voices are you worth it?

That’s the thing about shame, it wraps itself around our most tender, vulnerable place…our sense of identity, of who we are.

It grabs hold at the very heart of who we are and instantly we feel about 5 years old, incredibly vulnerable and uncertain.


Here’s the part where you can DO something about it…

And yes, I’m going to get really vulnerable here…

It’s hard for me to talk about this because it means I have to admit to my own daily battle with shame.

But I learned from Brene Brown that shame thrives in secrecy so if sharing MY vulnerable moments with you helps you then it’s worth the sweat-producing moments I’m having as I write this…

And hang in here with me for a moment because yes, I’m going to go a little ‘inner child’ with you (it’s worth it — you’ll see).

Here goes…

That 5 year old you who shame is trying to control?

She needs a protector. A guardian angel. A fierce warrior woman and that woman is YOU.

Here’s what I do when shame starts to belittle and cajole me into backing down from my sure knowledge that it’s time to raise my course or coaching fees…

I imagine grabbing the hand of the small little girl and telling shame to shut the eff up.

Does it back down right away?


So I say it again. Only louder.

Like I mean it. Like really, really mean it.

Like it better back off right now or else.

Shut the EFF UP.

I shoo it away with my words and my energy that is full of vengeance, never letting go of the little girl’s hand.

She needs me to stand up for her.

My fees need me to stand up for them.

Just like yours do.

Your coaching fees represent the immense value you bring to the world.

Seriously, tell me if this isn’t true — your coaching changes lives, right?

Do you get the value of that?

I mean, really, really get that?

Shame? You’re toast. History.

In this moment you have no more control because you don’t have the power — I do.

In this moment you can charge what you’re worth because you are standing in your power of the transformation you create.

So my superstar coach…what is your new fee?

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Money shame? It’s a common block to charging what you’re worth