Simple secret on how to break into a new coaching niche

by | May 29, 2020 | Coach Training

Have you ever felt ‘niche envy’?

You just knew, “There’s a change I’m supposed to make but I’m not sure how.”

Switching niches doesn’t make you a bad coach or a flakey person.

It’s simply a signal that you’ve grown and now you’re meant for something more.

I felt that way in the early days of my coaching business, way before I was making any money at all.

I didn’t have anything to lose by switching because I was leaving my zero-sum starter niche.

I trusted my intuition, made the switch, and it turned out to be THE best decision I ever made.

You want a niche that gives you unlimited potential to grow and scale the number of people you serve, and has no ceiling in how much you can make coaching.

And you want a niche that allows you to fully express all of your gifts as a coach.

If you’ve been thinking you may need to switch into a new niche, don’t worry because it’s easier than you think – let me show you how:

#1 Be brave enough to leave a niche that isn’t working

Don’t keep hanging on to it because you feel you ‘should’, or because YOU can see so much need for it.

It’s like choosing a boyfriend based on his potential instead of for who he is now.

Remember Renee Zellweger’s character Dorothy, in the movie Jerry Maguire?

She declared, “I love him for the man he ALMOST is.”

Yeah, you don’t want to be that girl.

Now is your moment to bless that starter niche, let it go and look forward to something better!

#2 Don’t make switching niches mean anything negative about yourself

It’s perfectly okay to have a ‘starter niche’, and switching doesn’t make you anything other than on your path to creating success in your business.

It’s normal to try things out, see what works, and leave behind what doesn’t.

That’s called learning and growing, which is what we coaches are amazing at doing .

#3 Jump into your new niche by announcing it to your list

Many of our clients inside our Money Breakthrough Business Certified Coach training are there because they’re switching niches, or adding business coaching to their other business, so I’m often asked, “Kendall, how do I introduce my new niche to my existing list/clients?”

I love making it a special announcement, letting them know you’re excited to be heading in a new direction, and you’re looking forward to taking them with you.

It’s also a great moment to invite people into a conversation with you to talk about how you can help them with their ____ (fill in the blank with the problem you’re solving for your new niche).

For example:

“Did you know that I love coaching women entrepreneurs and helping them charge what they’re worth? This is an exciting new direction I’m taking in my coaching business! I believe supporting women to be successful in their business can impact the world in so many powerful and positive ways, and I’m thrilled to have you join me in this new direction. If you want specific insights and strategies on pricing services like yours, let’s definitely talk. You can reach out to me at _____________ and we’ll schedule a complimentary Pricing Strategy Session.”

Switching niches can be one of the most powerful catalysts to suddenly go from struggling to thriving (it was for me!).

Remember, you have to let go to grow, and saying yes to a new niche may be exactly what you need to become a 6-figure coach with a thriving business.

PS – If you’re thinking you might love coaching women entrepreneurs, click here to reach out and talk to us about how you can hit the ground running with all of the done-for-you content you need (and coach training you’ll love) to help you profitably pivot into this exciting niche.

Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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Simple secret on how to break into a new coaching niche