Procrastinating Around Money? Here’s How to Break Free Starting Today

by | Aug 9, 2024 | Podcast

I bet there is somewhere in your business or your life where you’re procrastinating around money.

We all do it.

Whether it’s avoiding looking at your bank balance, delaying coming up with a debt payoff plan, or paying bills at the last minute, it’s more common than you think.

The good news is, just because it’s normal, procrastinating when it comes to money doesn’t have to keep holding you back.

Listen in as I give you a super-simple technique to diffuse the grip of money procrastination the moment it takes hold and get ready to break free from money procrastination for good.

Listen to this week’s Money Coach School Podcast episode & discover:

☑️ Why you are absolutely NOT a procrastinator, and are NOT bad with money.

☑️ 3 self-coaching questions to ask that put you back in control of your money, no more procrastinating.

☑️ How to trust in your intuitive ability to make the best money decisions.

☑️ The massive value of setting a clear purpose before engaging in any money task or activity.

☑️ 3 strategies to help you start having a harmonious, prosperous, and peaceful relationship with money.

Listen now – find episode 46 at or on your favorite podcast app.


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Procrastinating Around Money? Here’s How to Break Free Starting Today