by Kendall SummerHawk | Mar 10, 2018 | Coach Training, Video
The old school coaching model of ‘letting the client lead the agenda’ is not what’s working in today’s market. Controversial? Yes, but this industry needs a little shaking up. There are soooo many clients available to you — even if...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Mar 6, 2018 | Coach Training
Whether you’re ‘good’ with money or not, every woman harbors inside her a secret, money critic. This is the part of you that busily keeps tabs on how much you’re getting or not getting…how much you feel you need and don’t have…and how much...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Mar 2, 2018 | Coach Training, Video
Did you know that how you start a coaching session can make the difference in a client signing on with you over and over again? And that there are 3 emotions your client is looking to feel in every coaching session? I hopped on video and shared: The 1 question I...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Mar 2, 2018 | Coach Training, Templates
Are you wondering how to start a coaching business and ‘run’ a coaching session like a pro? Women are naturally born to be amazing coaches. We’re awesome listeners, highly intuitive, creative, and we know how to create deep and meaningful connection. But...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Feb 26, 2018 | Coach Training, Video
I did a little experiment… For the past month I studied what a lot of the big name marketers are driving you to do… …and it’s all WRONG. Plus, if you’re trying to do what they are saying, it’s going to leave you feeling disempowered, overwhelmed and...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Feb 23, 2018 | Coach Training, Video
Do you have your Signature System® all figured out yet?No?A Signature System® is your unique set of steps you take a client through to create amazing results.I want getting yours to be easy for you, so in today’s video I walk you through the basics you need to...