by Kendall SummerHawk | Jan 15, 2018 | Coach Training, Video
If you know in your heart and soul you should be charging premium fees for your coaching but you’ve hesitated then watch this video today — it will open your eyes to a new perspective!
by Kendall SummerHawk | Oct 10, 2017 | Coach Training
Right now it’s tough not to feel as if you’re facing a crossroads. For guys, the call to make a difference looks like the hero’s journey of charging forward with sword and shield, ready to fight for what he believes is right. But for women,...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Sep 15, 2017 | Coach Training
One of the topics I love to coach on is unifying our soul’s purpose with making money as a high-end, soulful coach. I remember the day I made the decision to BE a million dollar business woman. Was my income even close to that at the time? Not even remotely...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Sep 7, 2017 | Coach Training
Being the Feminine leader of your business means you have to come face to face with not only your own relationship with money…but that of your clients as well. How do you handle it when a client’s payment bounces? Do you take it personally? Does it cause you to...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Aug 3, 2017 | Coach Training
As a woman entrepreneur, you’re likely highly empathetic. You care about others’ feelings…maybe too much at times, right? Which can cause you to hold off raising your fees. And the result? There you are again, working too hard, for too little. I call this...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Jul 22, 2017 | Coach Training
I thought you could use a little shot of thoughtful specialness today…from me to you. No strings attached. Pure generosity. All FREE. FREE GUIDED VISUALIZATION: “Press RESET On Your Pricing — Authentically and With Confidence” 15 Minute Audio...