by Kendall SummerHawk | May 4, 2017 | Coach Training
It’s amazing how something as simple as how long your coaching sessions are can play a HUGE part in how much money you make . Why? Because too-long sessions can set you up to over-deliver, leaving you feeling drained and burned out. Plus, long sessions mean you...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Apr 27, 2017 | Coach Training
Let me set the record straight here… The digital marketing world is like a dog gone mad, chasing its tail with gross “trip wire” tricks and crazy online funnels that make me want to scream when I look at them. And unfortunately, it’s catching too...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Apr 15, 2017 | Coach Training
Do you ever have this happen to you?… Your client calls in for their coaching session. You ask what they want to coach on…only to hear, “Hmmm, I don’t know.” Your heart sinks, right? Here is the straight up truth that will save you from losing...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Apr 12, 2017 | Coach Training
I was responding to a question from one of my high-end clients who is in the midst of rebranding herself and her business. Yes, it is a messy and sometimes painful process because it demands that we get crystal clear on WHO WE ARE and what we are a stand for. My...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Mar 24, 2017 | Coach Training
Years ago one of my early mentors advised me, “I shouldn’t coach women on money because other people were already doing it.” Seriously??? Now I can shake my head in wonder, because that advice was so crazy wrong, it’s laughable. But at the...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Mar 12, 2017 | Coach Training
Imagine in 4 months…BECOMING A CERTIFIED SOULFUL BUSINESS COACH As a Money, Marketing and Soul® certified coach you can confidently and skillfully coach the most lucrative, soulful and richly rewarding niche — women entrepreneurs —without putting any time into...