Don’t be fooled (I’m on a RANT)

Don’t be fooled (I’m on a RANT)

Let me set the record straight here… The digital marketing world is like a dog gone mad, chasing its tail with gross “trip wire” tricks and crazy online funnels that make me want to scream when I look at them. And unfortunately, it’s catching too...

Want My Tip On How To Stand Out?

I was responding to a question from one of my high-end clients who is in the midst of rebranding herself and her business. Yes, it is a messy and sometimes painful process because it demands that we get crystal clear on WHO WE ARE and what we are a stand for. My...

My mentor really got this WRONG

Years ago one of my early mentors advised me, “I shouldn’t coach women on money because other people were already doing it.” Seriously??? Now I can shake my head in wonder, because that advice was so crazy wrong, it’s laughable. But at the...

Become A Certified Soulful Business Coach

Imagine in 4 months…BECOMING A CERTIFIED SOULFUL BUSINESS COACH As a Money, Marketing and Soul® certified coach you can confidently and skillfully coach the most lucrative, soulful and richly rewarding niche — women entrepreneurs —without putting any time into...