6-Figure Group Coaching Secrets

Grow Your Coaching Business With Rewarding & Lucrative Group Coaching Programs Imagine, instead of being limited to only 1-on-1 clients (and getting perilously close to burn out) that you’re running a lucrative and richly rewarding Group Coaching program. In this...
Kendall SummerHawk Reviews

Kendall SummerHawk Reviews

Kendall SummerHawk is a stand for what women entrepreneurs most crave: a business that is an authentic expression of their soul’s purpose. Without apology. And without selling out their soul just to make money. Because of this, Kendall is passionate about showing...

My favorite new year gratitude exercise

Listen to this FREE coaching exercise now << This year has been focused on intense change. At the beginning of the year I knew I had to start breaking the rules of who I WAS so that I could redefine and step into who I was meant to BECOME. I stepped away from...

Leading your own certification program

My predication for 2017 is that we will see a rapid rise in the number of women entrepreneurs offering certification programs as a key piece of their business model. The reason why is because the ‘certification model’ is lucrative, can easily leverage your time so...