by Kendall SummerHawk | Nov 6, 2016 | Coach Training
One of the topics my 7-figure girlfriends and I often end up talking about is the beautiful relationship between our soul’s divine purpose and creating a 7-figure business. Recently we asked, where does the desire to create a 7-figure business come from? For me,...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Nov 3, 2016 | Coach Training
If your business is already into 6-figures+ then you’ve probably noticed that despite the success you’ve created, you still experience money blocks. (This is a common problem for high-achieving women so please don’t be hard on yourself about it!)...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Oct 28, 2016 | Coach Training
There comes a moment in your business when you hit multiple 6-figures where everyone tells you how lucky you are, how much you’ve accomplished, how happy you should be… And yet, while you certainly are grateful for what you’ve created, in your heart...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Aug 13, 2016 | Coach Training
Conscious business can grow your soul. And it’s shockingly simple to run your business consciously… …If you’re willing to keep it simple. Keep it real. And keep it in alignment with where you want to be. Complexity sucks and in the mania of launching, list...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Jul 12, 2016 | Coach Training
A lot is changing for me right now and I want to be open with you about my journey. The level of noise – and b.s. – that’s happening out there in the coaching industry has become deafening, and it’s drowning out the voice of our own intuition. So while others are busy...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Jun 30, 2016 | Coach Training
I thought you could use a little shot of specialness today…from me to you. No strings attached. Pure generosity. All free. Why? Because I care about YOU and your future. I wanted you to have a special visualization where I lead you through discovering your Empowered...