by Kendall SummerHawk | Aug 30, 2015 | Coach Training
Earlier this year I let you in on how the number of women who are the primary breadwinner (or substantially contributing to their household’s income) has increased massively in just the past few years. How are they doing it? An impressive number of women are...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Aug 22, 2015 | Coach Training
I know it’s the weekend, yet I couldn’t stop thinking about this…and how it impacts YOU… This is a vulnerable moment for me to share with you… You may not know this by looking at the success of my business now, but years ago, I was holding myself back in a...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Aug 18, 2015 | Coach Training
I was thinking about you today…about how much you love what you do, and how good you would feel if you knew a specific way of giving yourself permission to make more. Like a “how to” template that creates a powerful mindset shift about money. I have a...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Jun 12, 2015 | Coach Training
The saying, “Never underestimate the power of a woman” is more true now than ever! Because more women are now ready to reach for a new level of financial freedom and empowerment. And right now there is nothing more important in your business than figuring...
by Kendall SummerHawk | Apr 10, 2015 | Coach Training
It’s been exciting here (in a good way)… We’re getting a ton of questions about last night’s training webinar. First — YES, there is a replay but we’re ONLY leaving it up for a few days. Here is the link to watch it now:
by Kendall SummerHawk | Apr 8, 2015 | Coach Training
I wanted to check in with you about this, real quick… If you are coaching (or want to add coaching to your business) then do you want to know… The answer to never getting blindsided when your clients show up with doubt, fear, indecision or insecurities? The Top 10...