Is the money you make slipping through your fingers?

by | Mar 22, 2011 | Money Mindset & Pricing Strategy Secrets

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When I first started coaching clients on their fees I figured they would follow my advice, begin to make more money and live happily ever after.

So you can imagine my shock and surprise when I quickly discovered that just because a woman entrepreneur makes more money, doesn’t mean she KEEPS more money.

Sounds silly, doesn’t it? After all, what’s the point of working hard to be successful, only to watch the fruits of your labor slip through your fingers?

But, after coaching thousands of women on their fees and on their relationship with money, I can assure you that this issue isn’t isolated to an unlucky few. In fact, nearly ALL of the women entrepreneurs I talk to have a secret issue with money that causes them to lose their power along with their cash.

Most possess a fear that somehow, having more money will change them or change their life in some way they can’t control.

So, while on the outside they do everything they can to be successful, on the inside, their mindset and beliefs are sabotaging enjoying the fruits of their achievements.

If you, too, struggle with never seeming to have enough money, even when you’re making more, then I trust you’ll find these 3 tips illuminate what’s REALLY at the bottom of this pesky issue.

Tip #1 Are You Afraid Having More Money Will Change You?

You’d be surprised at how many women fear they’ll lose their values or become someone they don’t care for if they have more money. Let me reassure you, having more money in your life will magnify your core values and character, not turn you into someone you’re not.

While it’s unlikely you’ll become another Leona Helmsley (she was known as the “Queen of Mean”) I recommend you get clear now, on the values and traits about yourself you most enjoy…and those you wouldn’t want to see amplified. The more you allow yourself to express your positive characteristics now, the more confident you’ll be that having more money will only enhance your quality of life, rather than rob you of your humility.

Tip #2 Who Are You Afraid Of Offending By Making More?

I’m going to get pretty personal here, but experience tells me that it’s not uncommon to have someone in your life (often a family member) who you “think” will be threatened, upset or disturbed in some way if you make more money.

If this resonates with you, then the first thing you must do is acknowledge your fear. Next, ask yourself, “What is it that this person REALLY wants for me?” The answer is likely to be security, abundance, happiness and a life of ease. Focus on their positive intentions for you.

Tip #3 What Is The Money For?

I’m frequently asked to speak about how to create and achieve empowering, bold money goals. One of the most powerful steps you can take to align money with your spiritual path is to have a clear money “why.”

At first, making more allows you to buy life’s little luxuries. But once you move beyond indulging in the deluxe manicure or splurging on private car service when you travel, you’ll want to connect your heart and spirit with your growing income. Knowing exactly and specifically what larger amounts of money are slotted for will help you value keeping more of it.

Money Is A Powerful Catalyst For Self Growth

If you truly want to grow as a person, moving beyond any preconceived limits or self-imposed restrictions, then I highly recommend using money as a catalyst for your self growth. Not only will you delight in how spiritually advanced you become but your new income will give you the opportunity to make a profound, positive difference in the lives of everyone you touch.

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Is the money you make slipping through your fingers?