How Do You Become The Divine Feminine Leader Of Your Business?

by | Feb 1, 2012 | Coach Training

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For decades, women thought they had to “be one of the boys” in order to succeed in business. Thankfully, the days of big shoulder-pads and masculine-styled suits are behind us and now, women are seeking out ways to develop their own authentic style of leadership.

Which isn’t always easy, especially as there are few truly feminine, highly successful role models to learn from. I’m often asked:

Kendall, how do you stay in your feminine magic
without giving up your power?

How do you balance the demands of running a thriving business
with the natural rhythms of a woman’s energy, without getting burned out?

How do you know when it’s best to listen to your intuition,
versus keep your decisions ‘just about business’?

As a woman entrepreneur, questions like these can cause you to feel an internal conflict, or struggle, unless you know how to successfully integrate the best of BOTH worlds: masculine and feminine.

Happily, this is surprisingly easy to do, as women have a natural talent for personal growth. And right now is the perfect time for redefining what it means to be a Divine Feminine leader of your business.

Which is why I’m delighted to share with you 3 of my secrets for becoming the Divine Feminine Leader of a successful business.

Secret #1. Redefine What It Means To Be Feminine And A Leader

Too often, our image of being a leader means swaggering, pushing or dominating. All of which are behaviors that are unnatural for a woman. But that doesn’t mean you have to resort to acting disempowered.

What you want to do instead is recognize the leadership qualities that are within you, and give those qualities more of a voice and presence in your business.

For example: If you love to help others in need, instead of rescuing needy, high-drama people, channel that energy into a clearly defined marketing message that gets people excited to enroll into your programs. Then use a portion of your sales to donate to your favorite charity.

Secret #2. Learn How to Set “Bodacious Boundaries”

Women entrepreneurs live dangerously close to burn out when they try to be all things to all people. Yes, you can raise your kids, be happily married and have a thriving business, but not if you’re the one schlepping to the store, running around town and volunteering anytime someone needs a helping hand.

Prioritize what matters most, write it down and check this list every time someone tries to get you to make their priority, yours. And for goodness sake, don’t over explain when you need to say “no”. Saying something like this will greatly simplify your life and keep you focused on what matters most:

“Thank you for thinking of me.
That isn’t something I can say ‘yes’ to at this time”

Secret #3. Give Yourself Permission To Use Your Intuition More, Not Less

You’ll find you make decisions easier and with less stress if you learn to listen to and rely on your intuition. Just be careful not to mistake fear for your internal guidance system.

How will you know the difference? Anytime you’re making a decision, if you are thinking, “I’m not ready. It’s not the right time. I’ll wait. I need to learn/be/do more first” then this is fear, not intuition.

If you see the opportunity to learn and grow, then you are ready!

You’ll Love Who You Become As A Confident, Thriving, Divinely Feminine Leader — I Promise!

Every time I stand in my Divine Feminine Power I’m accessing my God-given abilities to be compassionate, direct and generous. And I know I’m setting an example for others who share these same abilities…and just need someone to model it for them.

Remember this: playing small is not the spiritual contract you must fulfill in your lifetime. Being wholly and powerfully YOU, is!

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How Do You Become The Divine Feminine Leader Of Your Business?