Quick Tips On Generating Income In December

by | Nov 27, 2012 | Money and Mindset

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My Master Mind call started out great — every member had exciting updates to share and celebrate with each other.

But the tone and energy with one client sent up an energetic warning flag for me.

Yes, she was now well into 6-figures and yes, she had doubled her income compared to last year.

I applauded her achievement. Then, giving voice to my intuition, I clearly stated, “Don’t. Quit.

Her answer?

She sheepishly asked, “Why not?”

This is exactly the kind of thinking that causes women to rapidly lose momentum, creating money months that swing wildly up-and-down, and perpetuating a cycle of never enough.

So, here are my tips for creating income during December, no matter what your list size or where you are with your business. Each of these tips can be implemented in less than 2 hours (some in just 15 minutes).

First, decide how much more income you want to create in December. Remember, you want to be proactive about choosing your goals rather than letting them just “happen” to you.

Next, choose 1 to 3 of these ideas to implement to boost your sales in December:

Offer a 4-8 week program now, to start after the beginning of the year (include a juicy group 1/2 VIP day as a bonus for clients signing up before year-end)
Offer Discovery Sessions now (remember to limit the number of available spots to drive interest)
Make an offer for just 1-3 VIP Day spots with you, focused on a specific topic that solves a pressing problem for your ideal clients
Offer a significant savings for clients choosing to pay you full (versus payments)
Let your list know you have room for one high-end private client spot with you
Go back to past group, teleseminar or workshop clients and offer a VIP Day
Pre-sell a home-study course and include a 30-minute private session with you (perfect for offering a VIP Day to help your client implement more, faster)
Host a sale of past teleseminars or any other recordings you have already completed
Let clients make a deposit in December, with regular payments starting after the first of the year (they’ll appreciate a little relief at the holidays, while locking in their spot with you)
Privately let your current clients know you have room for just 1-3 new clients like them, and you would love their referrals
Offer a 1/2 day, virtual VIP training for a small group, paid now and delivered after the first of the year
Follow up with all inquiries from the past 120 days (you’ll be amazed at the synchronicity of who may be thinking of you at the same time you’re contacting them)

What other ideas do YOU have for creating quick cash in December?

Whichever idea you choose to implement, the point is that even during the holidays it’s crucial to keep your energy intact, your focus on growing your business, and to make the most of opportunities that don’t require much time or attention.

This way, you sustain your momentum with grace and ease, while creating income that will do MORE than just “see you through” December. And most of all, you avoid the energy of “giving up” before the year is over.

Oh, and my client? By the end of our call she had set a new goal to end her year at even MORE than she had already made…and all with the grace and ease I love to model and teach!

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Quick Tips On Generating Income In December