It’s Time For A Change…

by | Oct 1, 2013 | Money and Mindset

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Something powerful has shifted for me and I am no longer willing to have the “old” me show up for you in this ezine, as it would feel inauthentic.

So I’m taking the coaching advice I’ve given to thousands of women entrepreneurs over the years, and I’m stepping forward with the new voice, the new direction and the new thought-leadership that is bursting to come forward from me…far in advance of feeling completely “ready” or being perfectly re-branded.

The Dali Lama may have said that western women will heal the world, but I believe with deep conviction that it is women coaches who hold the key to making an impact and a difference that will change lives everywhere.

Which is why what you will be seeing from me going forward, is a powerfully aligned focus on coaching. Teaching it, showing you how to master it, giving you tools to market yourself, and of course, leading you to be financially successful adding coaching to your business.

And most of all, empowering you to live what I call, the coaching lifestyle, which is so perfectly designed for us women entrepreneurs who want to make a difference AND feel our intuitive and creative gifts get to be fully expressed.

Here is my vision I created for YOU of what is means for you to be authentically in your power, successful and feminine, as a woman entrepreneur

What does it mean for a woman to stand authentically in her power?

We know what it isn’t because we see the masculine formula and we automatically avoid it.

Yet we’re missing models for what it looks like and even what it means
for a woman to stand in her power, with femininity, grace and ease.

And any time we move away from what isn’t (trying to avoid something) without knowing what it is we want instead, it creates inner conflict.
And that inner conflict creates doubt and an undermining of our confidence.

While conflict may strengthen a man, for women, it weakens us.

Like Kryptonite to our soul, which craves peace and understanding and love. Our soul that wants to love and be loved, and to have a life that fully satisfies our creativity and our desire to support others, while we too, get to benefit and massively succeed.

There is much talk these days about needing to “heal”. From all that talk comes a distorted, destructive, over-focus on what is wrong, broken or in need of repair.

What is needed is for women to step into their power of creating relationship.

Relationship literally means “the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.

So let’s say, if instead of focusing on “healing your relationship with money”, you were simply to focus on how you are BEING in your current relationship with money. By focusing in this simple way, you would immediately begin seeing easy ways you can make shifts that most powerfully serve you.

For example, many of the women I coach are in relationship with money in a way that creates scarcity and feelings of “not good enough”. So they avoid having conversations with potential clients.

If this is you, and you begin to become aware of the relationship you have been creating, you then also have the power to quickly and simply shift that relationship. Let’s say, to one of being in harmony with money flowing in, in amounts greater than your needs, giving you all the money you need and more. With a relationship that looks like this, taking the actions of calling potential clients, following up and signing them up for your programs because an authentic and divinely feminine action to take.

I am leading you on a path of divine feminine awareness and action, defining for the first time ever, what it looks like and yes, what it means to be an empowered woman entrepreneur.

My vision for you is this:

You are a woman of strength and courage, who is willing to lead from femininity rather than from force.

Who is decisive rather than doubtful.

Whose energy is focused on commitment rather than being wasted in comparing.

Who is willing to be extraordinarily successful on her own terms.

Who is willing to be spiritually and financially rich, because one without the other is crippling to our souls and leaves us feeling half the woman we know we were born to be.

I urge you to do ONE thing right now. Do this for me…and for the brilliant YOU that I hold you to be: post a comment on my blog about how specifically YOU want to show up as a powerful woman in your business.

Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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It’s Time For A Change…