You don’t have to be a guru to offer premium coaching

by | May 23, 2019 | Coach Training

There isn’t a single world-class female coach who thought she had to first be a guru to offer premium coaching.

It sounds counter-intuitive, but what your premium coaching clients are looking for isn’t a guru, it’s a coach who is standing in her power.

And that, my beautiful coach, is a stand available to everyone willing to boldly speak her truth and be a powerhouse coach.

Offering Premium Coaching isn’t about you being perfect, so if your worry thoughts sound like:

What if people find out I eff up? What if I don’t have the answers? What if people see that my behind-the-scenes house/business/life isn’t Insta perfection? What if…?

Then it’s time to drop that old, tiring story.

Stepping into the Premium Coaching business model frees you to focus on 3 core coaching strengths that are learnable.

1. Asking Powerhouse Coaching Questions

I can coach my clients — women entrepreneurs — to make a powerful shift in their belief systems, make empowered decisions, and create their action plans in the space of just a few minutes because early on, I gave myself permission to stop being pansy about my coaching, and start asking insightful, bold questions.

When you lack powerful coaching questions and the knowledge of how to use them, you can’t distinguish yourself from the masses. And either your clients won’t create breakthrough results, or in the ‘should I hire you’ discovery process they won’t feel clear about what makes you special or distinct from the countless other coaches.

Because of this, you’ll find yourself in constant marketing efforting, trying to figure out new ways to capture attention, which ultimately undermines your confidence and self-belief.

Let’s be honest, given your unstoppable desire to be of service and help people, you deserve more clients flowing to you, with less marketing.

The rule is this: the more powerfully and insightfully you coach, the less marketing you’ll have to do. This is because people will hear, see and experience the difference you make, which cuts through the fluff that is rampant online right now.

If you’re not sure exactly what are powerful coaching questions, click here to access my free audio training on this very topic.

2. Sharing Your Wisdom and Calling It Like You See It

In the business coaching space, Premium Coaching clients don’t want perfection, they want perspective. YOURS.

Years ago, I had a realization that radically changed my coaching…and massively up-leveled how quickly I filled my 1-on-1 and group coaching spots.

I decided that if I was holding back in a coaching session, then I was holding my clients back from achieving their potential.

Two people holding back won’t ever create success.

What Premium Coaching clients (entrepreneurs) value are direct, honest insights.

Entrepreneurs have an unstoppable independent streak and they don’t like being told what to do.

What they DO want is for you to call them on their sh*t, so they can break through their blind spots, own their worth, be accountable to taking action and feel supported in making changes in their business that are obvious and awesome, but scary, none the less.

The coaching style I developed over a decade ago to make premium level coaching effortless — and now teach my certification students — is the Courageous Coaching Method®. It’s the go-to model for how to coach that I’ve certified hundreds of coaches to use to create their 6 and 7-figure Premium Coaching model businesses. (To learn more about it and how I use it, check out my free training,

3. Offering A Structured Path

The old days of ‘letting the client lead the agenda’ are sooo ’90s. Premium Coaching clients, especially in today’s female business coaching space, are natural leaders and as such, they value and respect a coach who also leads.

That doesn’t mean you have to know all of the answers, (that’s what Google is for). It means that you have an idea of where you’re taking your client. You have the stepping stones of their journey outlined.

The mantra of Premium Coaching is that YOU claiming YOUR authentic, feminine leadership role is highly client attractive.

Personally, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having a structured path I’m coaching my clients to take. It keeps me out of overwhelm and that total waste of energy of trying to decide what to do next with a client. And it keeps my clients engaged not just in the beginning of their Premium Coaching package, but all the way through until the end…and then wanting to re-enroll to continue their journey.

There’s none of that painful, (me) ‘What would you like to coach on today?‘ (client) ‘I don’t know, what would YOU like to coach on?‘ conversation happening.

We hop on the coaching call feeling energized, ready to get to work, and diving deep into their beliefs, decisions and actions related to the next topic on their journey. The time flies by and they end each coaching session feeling invigorated, inspired and possessing incredible clarity.

Beautiful Coach, you’re a passionate leader who cares deeply about inspiring others to achieve their potential.

It’s time to take ownership of your future and boldly coach with heart and passion, in a coaching business model that rapidly elevates your income where it has the potential to easily be.

We’re enrolling now for the next term of my signature certified coach training. This is the training that gives you done-for-you coaching content so you can start signing on Premium Coaching clients quickly, without time-consuming content creation. Isn’t it time to make significant money with confidence, grace and ease? Click here for my free master class.

Want my very best free content on all things coaching? Coach training, pricing, money mindset, coaching business best practices, and so much more. Join my Facebook Group: The Tribe of Courageous Coaches. The Tribe is our fast-growing community specifically for women in coaching who are ready to own their worth, and create their own economy. Click here to request access now


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You don’t have to be a guru to offer premium coaching