First of all, hearing that you’re ‘too expensive’ doesn’t mean there’s ANYTHING wrong with your pricing!
Yes, your prices are going to be too expensive for some people.
But they’ll also be too low for others.
The only thing that matters is that you’re crystal clear about what results are possible for a woman entrepreneur when she coaches with you.
For example, my team and I know that our certified coach trainings are worth 3x the tuition.
We know that a woman coming into certification can experience a full return on tuition with just 2-4 clients.
We know that she can start making money within the first few weeks of training.
So we absolutely do NOT take it personally if someone says we’re ‘too expensive’.
Because we know we’re worth every penny of the investment and so much more!
If you KNOW that your coach pricing reflects a return on investment, then it’s easy to not take it personally if some says you’re ‘too expensive’.
There’s no drama. No emotional heat. No defensiveness.
Just the sweet, sweet feeling of 1,000% confidence in what you’re charging.