6 Easy Steps for Creating a Great Title that SELLS

by | Sep 9, 2014 | Coach Training

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What is the first thing people judge when it comes to your coaching programs, products, services or events?

The title.

And since it’s the first thing that people see or hear, if it doesn’t grab ’em immediately, they’re likely to tune out for good.

The good news is, you don’t need to be a writer to create fabulous titles. All you need is the right mindset.

Here is an easy 6-step system you can use to transform any stale, confusing, or boring title into one that is clear and inspiring for your ideal clients to say YES to!

Step 1: Start with a description of ONE client.

Take a breath and connect to one client who’s had great results working with you. Now, for 3 minutes journal everything about this one person.

For example:

  • Do you know what it is that keeps them up at night worrying?
  • What is the biggest struggle that they feel the discomfort of on a daily basis?
  • What is their biggest time or money leak? (this can be relevant to your service even if you’re not in the “I help people make money” business)
  • If they wished they could learn how to do one thing (as it relates to what you do) what would that one thing be?

TIP: If you’re new in your business and haven’t yet had any paying clients, think of someone you’ve been practicing with. Just because you didn’t get paid doesn’t mean you don’t have insight into your ideal client!

Step 2: Brainstorm 3-5 reasons why this client might avoid solving these problems.

You can’t help anyone if they’re not feeling motivated to seek your support. You need to understand what might keep your potential client stuck so you can address that with your title.

For example, maybe they believe they don’t have the time or money to invest right now. Or they don’t clearly see a solution. Or the solution seems too hard.

TIP: You’re going to answer these “not me yet” avoidance excuses with “yes, here’s why!” reasons in your title.

Step 3: Consider what this client really wants.

Get outside of yourself and into your client’s head and heart when you answer this question:

What benefit/result will truly help them solve their problems?

Be mindful here to really feel and see the situation from your client’s perspective, rather than your own. This is where the gold is, as it gives you the insight to create a title they will instantly relate to.

Step 4: Draft a title.

With the information from each of these steps you now have a clear perspective and fresh information about the points to cover in your title. Now is the moment to stay with the momentum and create your first draft.

Write down the first title that comes to you and remember, this is just your first draft, not your one-and-only, or your last. Aim for getting something written (you can perfect it later).

Step 5: Run it through this simple test.

A great title includes 4 key elements. Use this quick test to hone in on exactly what needs to be tweaked so that your title is eye-catching.

A great title:

#1. States a practical, measurable benefit or result

#2. Has one clear concept

(Most initial drafts have two or more concepts, which creates confusion or dilutes the message you really want to convey)

#3. Is free of jargon

(Would someone who doesn’t know you or your work clearly understand every word in your title?)

#4. Answers the question, “Why?”

Test your title against these criteria and check that it includes all four of them. Keep making adjustments and re-testing until you have it just right.

TIP: The title of this article is a good example of a great title!

Step 6: Check for reader resistance.

Ask yourself if your title passes the “I’m not ready yet” test. In other words, does the title help bump somebody out of complacency and into action? If not, tweak it until the title generates excitement for your potential client.

Once you have your title crafted, ask for feedback from a few of your ideal clients. Have them tell you if the title inspires them to want to know more. If not, ask why. Use their feedback to make your final changes and re-test.

You can complete this process in 30 – 45 minutes. And with each new title you’ll keep honing your skills, making new titles in the future even easier to create.

Remember that every program, product or service you offer has the opportunity to create new revenue for you, so don’t skimp on this step-by-step process.

Master these simple steps and you’ll have a marketing skill that will serve your business forever!

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6 Easy Steps for Creating a Great Title that SELLS